The lamby lamby dance and Mabill

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Mabel:we got dares 

Nichole:what's the first dare

Mabel:Dipper has to do the lamby lamby dance in front of Pacifica and it's from Hi_YO_Dudes and WillowFallsDiaries 

Nichole:that's great

Pacifica:what's the lamby lamby dance

Mabel:*shows her Dipper in a lamb costume* here

Nichole:what's the second dare

Mabel:I have to kick Bill's butt

Nichole:tell the truth or I'll eat waddles

Mabel:ok I have a date with Bill and it's by PaoloHonrade

Dipper:I regret this *summons Bill*

Bill:I have a dare to be with Mabel on a date

Nichole:that's right

Bill:*goes to human form*

Nichole:*brings out lamb costume* Dipper come wear this for Pacifica

Dipper:let me guess they want me to do the lamby lamby dance

Nichole:for Pacifica


Nichole:*runs out*

Dipper:*wears lamb costume* there

Pacifica:you look cute 

Dipper:well... who wants a lamby lamby lamby

I do I do

So go up and greet your mammy, mammy, mammy hi there! Hi there!

So March March around the daisies, don't, don't, don't you forget about the ba-bies

Pacifica:wow y-you look adorable

Dipper:I'm not adorable I'm manly

Nichole:yea right 

Human Bill:I don't wanna date with you either shooting star

Mabel:yea I'm not doing the dare

Nichole:I'll eat the pig

Mabel:noooo waddles fine I'll go

Mabel and human Bill:*goes to greaseys diner*

Human Bill:hey Sh--

Mabel:Don talk or make eye contact with me or else

Human Bill:or else what

Lazy Susan:what would you like too eat

Human Bill:I'll have human food

Mabel:I'll have pancakes

Human Bill:I'll have what she's having

After the date


Nichole:how was the date

Bill and Mabel:never

Dipper:that's the only ship you don't matchmake

Nichole:let's call you guys Mabill

Bill:*turns to his original form* I'll give you nightmares

Nichole:ask or dare us anything bye peeps

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