Switching clothes,the Stan wrong song and how is Cece like in reverse

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Mabel:this dare is from Cece

Dipper:isn't she here to just tell us 

Cece:yep and swap clothes rev Dipper and Mabel and Dipper and Rev Mabel

Dipper,rev Mabel and Rev Dipper:no I'm not doing that

Nichole:do it for entertainment


Rev Mabel:why aren't you having a problem with it

Mabel:because I'm rev you

Rev Mabel:your brother and my brother is having a problem

Dipper:ok let's go 

Cece:they also have to give you guys amulet's

Rev Mabel and Rev Dipper:*give them amulet's*

Nichole:wow you guys didn't hesitate to give them it

Rev Mabel:I hate this next brother let's kill Cece after this

Rev Dipper:ok

Dipper and Rev Mabel:*switch clothes*

Dipper:*wears amulet* 

Rev Mabel:I look so dorky and was these clothes even washed

Dipper:I just hate wearing a skirt and I hate that I look like a girly version of Gideon

Mabel and Rev Dipper:*switch clothes*

Mabel:*wears amulet*

Rev Dipper:why do I have to wear this I'm so *sweating* sweaty

Mabel:I can levitate stuff *levitates Toby(T)*

Mabel:*reads RGideon's mind* wow you like-

RGideon:*covers her mouth* how did- ewww

Mabel:you like Rme right

Nichole:ok next dare

Mabel:Stan has to sing the Stan wrong song from Cece

Stan:what is it *drinks coffee*

Nichole:you have to sing the Stan wrong song


Nichole:listen old man I can make the twins or gleeful twins burn your money ooh wait Bill can do that

Stan:ok I'll do it

I'm Stan and I was wrong I'm singing the wrong song I shouldn't have taken the chance and here's my remorseful dance *dances until gompers shows up*

Gompers:*eats stans pants leg and fez*

Stan:get away stupid goat and how did he even come in here

Cece:Gleeful twins?

Rev Dipper and Rev Mabel:yea

Cece:how am I like in your dimension

Rev Dipper:you stole candy from a baby

Rev Mabel:you kidnapped a child and killed it

Cece:I gotta- gotta go because in your dimension I'm a criminal *cries*

Rev Dipper:you are friends with us for that

Cece:*gets scareds* you guys are gonna kill me

Nichole:ask or dare us anything bye peeps

Cece:I'm so so scared *gets even more scared*

Rev Dipper:you asked us so yea now let's go change I'm sweating so much

Dipper and Rev Mabel:yea

Mabel:no I wanna stay in this 

Rev Mabel:fight her Dipper from here

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