making out for 1 hour,beating up Preston,making a deal and more

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Mabel:Dipper and Pacifica have to make out for 1 hour

Jinx:they're gonna freaking die

Nichole:let the making out begin and that's it for a challenge

Dipper:I'm not doing it

Pacifica:yea I don't wanna die I'm too young and pretty to die


Nichole:I feel like I'm a great boss

Dipper:no your not

Nichole:just kiss already or else and no gasping for air or you'll start over

Pacifica:I don't wanna die

Dipper:we have to do it *starts making out with her*

40 minutes later

Dipper and Pacifica:*gasp for air*

Nichole:try again

Dipper:what did we ever do to you

Pacifica:I think I'm gonna throw up

Jinx:start over

Bill:yea start over I like to see them suffer

Pacifica:please help me

Dipper:*starts making out with her*

An hour later

Dipper and Pacifica:*faint*

Nichole:they're fine

Mabel:yea right *thinking* my bro bro

Bill:let's start the- *whispers* funeral

Dipper and Pacifica:*wakes up*

Dipper:are we in heaven

Pacifica:I think-

Rev Dipper:you two are so stupid your in Gravity falls

Dipper:ok what's the next dare

Mabel:Dipper you have to beat up Preston next time he uses the bell on Pacifica

Dipper:ok I'll do that it's simple

Dipper and Pacifica:*goes into town*

Dipper:when will be see us


Preston:Pacifica Elise Northwest come right this instant

Pacifica:no never I will not never

Preston:*rings his bell* you dare dis-

Dipper:*kicks his leg*

Preston:ouch boy you'll-

Dipper:hits him with a shovel

Preston:*punches Dipper*

Pacifica:no don't hurt him

Preston:*kicks the boy*

Pacifica:stop doing that to my boyfriend

Dipper:maybe we should go

Dipper and Pacifica:*goes back into the woods*

Jinx:I have a dare and it's

Mabel:Pacifica has to make a deal with Bill

Jinx:I wanted to say it

Pacifica:ok let me do this

Bill:ok llama shake my hand

Pacifica:*shakes his hand*

Bill:*processes her*

Mabel:Bill Pacifica... Billcifica

Dipper:get out of my Girlfriend


Pacifica:please get this freak out of my body

Nichole:ok *rings a bell*

Billcifica:what's that horrible sound

Nichole:a bell and *grabs dorito* here Bill eat it eat it

Billcifica:*comes out body*

Pacifica:how dare you ugly demon

Bill:it's my job

Mabel:the next dare

Marty:Dipper has to punch Bill and rev Dipper kill Dipper then I'll bring him back to life then I'll ask Dipper what is it like to die

Dipper:I'm not ready to die

Bill:yea you are

Nichole:Bill turn human for widdle ol' me


Nichole:wow your the dumbest demon ever

Bill:it's Panda stupid Panda

Nichole:respect the panda

Bill:*turns human form* I hat-

Dipper:*punches him*

Bill:you did that stupid dare pine tree

Rev Dipper:*punches Dipper* doing this dare I enjoy

Dipper:please stop

Rev Dipper:*kills him*

Pacifica:Dipper! You monster you love this

Rev Pacifica:I regret liking you wait no I love you

Rev Dipper:well ok?

Marty:*tries to make Dipper alive*

Dipper:*still dead*

Marty:this usually works

Dipper:*wakes up*

Marty:how was it like

Dipper:it was terrifying

Nichole:ask or dare us anything who do you think you will be the next pawn I either think Pacifica or Wendy bye peeps

Ask or Dare Dipper and Pacifica (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now