Breaking bells,being Goofy,toilet,smile dip maddness

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Mabel:the dare is Dipper has to break every bell in the Northwest Mansion Manor and it's from Billcipher256

Dipper:I'll try doing it *goes to the Northwest Mansion Manor*

Preston:I'll get Pacifica back somehow from those nasty Pines twins

Dipper:we're not nasty *grabs his bell and breaks it*

Preston:how dare you boy *grabs a bell from a stack*

Dipper:*pushes the stack and breaks all the bells* there

Preston:Priscilla(Ms.Northwest) let's go get more bells *kicks Dipper out* 

Dipper:*goes to the Mystery Shack* I did the dare

Pacifica:what dare

Nichole:Dipper broke all the bells in your Mansion

Pacifica:oh no my and dad are gonna kill me 

Rev Dipper:what's the dare


Rev Pacifica:yep the dare

Rev Dipper:*reads Mabel's mind* oh that's the dare thanks Cece *smiles evily at Pacifica*


Dipper:he has that look what Gideon has

Rev Dipper:*grabs Pacifica and goes in the bathroom*

Pacifica:what the wh-

Rev Dipper:*puts her head in water*

Pacifica:why did you-

Rev Dipper:*puts head in there for 1 minute*

Dipper:*comes in* oh no Pacifica!! *cries*

Rev Dipper:don't worry

Pacifica:I was about die you physco you put my head in the toilet

Dipper:you what?!

Pacifica:my beautiful makeup it's ruined

Mabel:we have to eat smile dip Pacifica

Pacifica:no not that nasty stuff *washes face*

Mabel:how dare you insult my favorite candy *eats it*

Pacifica:*gets out the bathroom**eats smile dip* oh my look there diamonds

Dipper:oh no you made my girlfriend love smile dip

Pacifica:so amazing but I still hate smile dip


Pacifica:*grabs Dipper* I'm keeping this diamond

Mabel:Dipper has to be goofy for 30 minutes and have swag for the rest and it's from Hi_YO_Dudes

Dipper:hey lalala is that how Mabel acts

Mabel:hey how dare you

Dipper:at least I have a reptile as a hand 

Mabel:hahaha bro you act like an idiot

30 minutes


Dipper:has it been 30 minutes

Nichole:do the swag now 

Dipper:ok homey

Nichole:your not even trying


Dipper:what's up bro

Mabel:watch'cha call me *punches her brother*

Dipper:ok  *punches back but too weak*

Mabel:too your own twin 

Dipper:it tells me to have cool swag

Nichole:ask or dare us anything bye peeps what are you guys doing?!

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