Reverse dates,without magic

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Mabel:the dare is Rev Dipper has to go on a date with Pacifica

Dipper and Rev Pacifica:yeah

Mabel:the same for you two and have to go somewhere proper and it's from TheDarkMarty

Rev Pacifica:at least I tried

Rev Dipper:I'm gonna kill you pines boy from here

Dipper:ok let's go to greaseys diner

Rev Pacifica:ok we'll go 

TheDarkMarty:yea make it good before I make you kiss Bill 5 times

Pacifica and Rev Dipper:let's just go already 

Nichole:eww Billdip

Dipper and Rev Pacifica:*runs out the door*

Pacifica and Rev Dipper:*goes to gravity falls park*

At the park


Rev Dipper:I wish this was my date with the Pacifica I love

Pacifica:well you know we didn't even start the picnic or the date

Rev Dipper:*sets up the picnic* ok that might do it

Pacifica:*sits* do you have a crush on her

Rev Dipper:yea she looks so adorable with her braces what about you

Pacifica:well I have my Dipper know I love him he loves me

Rev Dipper:let's just start eating

Pacifica:ok *eats*

Rev Dipper:*eats*

At greaseys diner


Rev Pacifica:look I know your dating me in this dimension 


Rev Pacifica:so how did you get to be her girlfriend *brings out scrapbook*

Dipper:well your just like my sister Mabel in this dimension

Rev Pacifica:me,Dipper Gleeful,Mabel Gleeful and my brother Gideon Pines need nicknames

Dipper:it's ok

Rev Pacifica:I'm in love with my Dipper but I don't think he loves me back *cries*

Dipper:it's ok

Rev Pacifica:what if he doesn't love me back this is your dimension not mine ours is reversed

Dipper and Rev Pacifica:*runs to the shack*

Mabel:what happens to rev dipper if he has no magic

Rev Dipper:I would take off my amulet or break it and I can't live like that

Nichole:ok ask or-

Rev Dipper:I would steal my sister's amulet

Rev Mabel:you wouldn't do that brother *punches him*

Nichole:anyway ask or dare us anything bye peeps

Rev Dipper:*levitates Rev Mabel*

Stan:fight,fight,fight,fight kids fighting I could sell this

Ask or Dare Dipper and Pacifica (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now