On a date

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Mabel:there are two dares and one is you should spy on Dipper's and Pacifica's date and it's by CartoonGirl14087 and Dipper should ask Pacifica if she likes him

Nichole:ok be right there *runs to Pacifica's and Dipper's date*

Pacifica:hey Dipper *blushing*

Dipper:um Pacifica 


Dipper:do you like me

Pacifica:what no

Dipper:oh really you kissed me on the cheek 

Pacifica:well... ok I love you *blushes like a tomato*

DipperI-I love you too

Pacifica:you do

Nichole:they have the same feelings 

Pacifica:*leans in for a kiss*

Nichole:kiss kiss kiss kiss

Dipper and Pacifica: were spying on us

Nichole:yea and it was a dare to spy on you guys

Pacifica:what the-

Nichole:and they told you Dipper to tell her if she liked you

Dipper:let's just go


Dipper, Pacifica and Nichole:*goes back to the shack*

Mabel:how was the date

Pacifica and Dipper:it was ok nothing happened

Nichole:ask or dare us anything bye peeps and Dipper and Pacifica are dating know

Pacifica and Dipper:Nichole!!!

Ask or Dare Dipper and Pacifica (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now