you get attacked by the paps

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HAHA MISS ME BITCHES?? LOLL JK BUT ANYWAY IM BACK WITH A NEW POST . (please ignore how shit it is) anywayyy im backkk sorry for not posting but i had the spicy cough loll anyway im on my 2 am writing spree so expect more!! 

ily you always babes enjoyyy

"mumma i don't think i can do this" i turn over to face my mum standing behind me. We had gone out to eat at my favorite restaurant to celebrate getting straight As in all my classes, I just didn't factor in the paps when I asked her to go out. 

"hey babe, look at me" my mum grabs my hand and pulls me to the hallway near the door. The scream of the paps and fans only made my anxiety worse. sure i'd grown up in front of the media, but it never made it easier. When I was little my mum would put a jumper over me and carry me, that was until I was about 7ish she could carry me ever since then whenever we've gone out i've always been paranoid.

 I've seen videos of celebrities getting pushed or hurt by the paps and even though that has never happened to my mum and our security is amazing it always worried me. "you're gonna be ok i promise, i know it gets super overwhelming but i am so so proud of you for just going out tonight, i know how stressed it makes you, ok?" She tells me, caressing my cheek. I nod and hug her tight. She tells Greg something before he rushes off to the back of the restaurant. I can still hear the screaming of the paps and fans outside as I hold on to my mum's shirt hugging her tight. she can sense how tight i'm holding and rubs my back. 

"it's gonna be ok baby, i promise i won't let anything happen to you" she tells me rocking me slowly. A few minutes later I feel a little better and Greg walks up to us. "Miss Swift, we've got the umbrella, should we go now?" he asks, holding a semi large umbrella. Usually me and my mum just either run into the car or walk normally with our heads down. 

occasionally we've put umbrellas over us to hide our outfits or moments when my mum sensed i needed one and thank god she did. "yes! thanks so much greg, and again call me taylor" she chuckles at him as she walks us to the door. she grabs my arm tightly as i hold the umbrella over me. greg stands in front of us as he opens the door. the flashing lites are the first to scare me. the screams from the crowd are heard as i walk quicker and quicker following im my mums foot steps. 

"Its ok baby, just a few more seconds" i hear in my ear as i follow behind her. we about 2 meters from the car when i get pushed to the ground. i scream as a pap jumps over me to get a photo. He crushes my ribs, kneeling over my stomach. I grab my mum who turns around shocked. "Fuck" she rushed over to me, greg following behind her. I try my hardest not to cry, not wanting to seem weak as the umbrella gets thrown off my head.

 I lay on the ground trying to get up as everyone is screaming and my mum is helping me calmly. She's worried, I can tell but she's calm and cool. She helps me up quickly and rushes me inside the car. She shuts the door and pulls me into a hug. a sob leaves my mouth as I hug my mum tightly. The paps are outside still screaming at the guy who jumped over me. The guilt of what happened starts settling in as we drive off. 

"I'm so sorry baby, you're safe now i promise" she whispers in my ear holding me tight. A couple minutes later I calmed down slightly and removed myself from my mum's arms, resting my head on her shoulder. "I'm sorry," I whisper. "For what sweet girl?" she asks confusedly, rubbing my arm. "I don't know just the like who thing, i know i couldn't really stop it but i just coul-" my mum cuts me off, stopping my rant. "Hey, hey baby stop. None of that was your fault, do you understand?" she asks and i nod, tucking my head into her chest.

"That man is fucked and needs to be sued, im so so sorry baby" she tells me. I nod, fresh tears appearing on my face as I look at her. "Now are you hurt?" she asks me, calmly. I nod "yea a little, just here" i show her and press my stomach a little under my belly button. "Oh sweetie i'm so sorry, well get you some ice at home ok?" she asks as we pull into the driveway. "Ok baby, you wanna watch a movie in my bed?" she asks when she opens the front door. 

"Oo yea please" I smile, happy to move on from the incident. "Ok great" she tells me. "Thanks greg" she calls out, waving before shutting the door. "I love you so much mummy" I hugged her tight. "Aw i love you to bug, always" 

 hope u enjoyed, if u didnt idc. pleaseee request idk what to posttt

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