Chapter 8: Meeting Grandfather

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We sped through the portal, towards the time period that we could get both Pym particles and the Tesseract. That year just happened to be 1970. We landed inside a storage closet of what seemed to be a military base. "Alright, I'll get the Pym particles and you two get the Tesseract. Got it?" me and dad both nodded our approval, and Cap and I grabbed uniforms from the closet. I put mine over my regular clothes and grabbed a military cap and sunglasses. To add to the effect, I put my hair in a tight knot at the base of my neck. "You know, the look really suits you." Cap said with a small sad smile. "He's right. It does." My dad said, tearing up a bit. I shoved both of them and whispered, "Pull yourselves together! We've got a world to save. And I'm not even in 12th grade yet!" They both gave me a curt nod and Cap replied "Whatever you say soldier." I rolled my eyes and Cap just grinned.

When we got on the elevator, there was another lady already on. She looked nice enough, she wore a black dress with a S.H.I.E.L.D badge hanging around her neck. She wore her black hair in an elaborate 70's updo and had dark brown eyes that were looking at us rather suspiciously. She kinda looked like she recognized Cap. "Dang it." I muttered to where no one could hear. We got on and Cap pressed the button for mine and Dad's floor. We got off of the elevator at our stop, and dad whispered "Good luck." to Cap.

We walked into the lab with our briefcase and rushed to the oh so familiar safe. We opened it quickly and grabbed the cube. We hastily stuck it in the briefcase and started to leave, but then... "Who's there?" a man shouted. He came around the corner and I instantly recognized who he was. My grandfather was standing right in front of me. "Oh," He said surprised, "You must be new. What's your name?" Dad nervously replied "I-I'm Howard. Howard Potts and this is my daughter, Lily Potts." "Well your name shouldn't be hard to remember. My name is Howard." "Oh!" my dad chuckled nervously. I realized that the last time that my dad saw grandfather alive, they had a fight. Grandfather died on the way to the airport that night. Killed by Bucky Barnes, The Winter Soldier. H.Y.D.R.A. put him up to it. He didn't mean to. He was brainwashed into it. "Hello?" My grandfather asked. I realized he was talking to me. "Yes? Sorry, I got lost in thought." "Oh, it's fine. I do that a lot. I asked how old you were." "Oh!" It was my turn to get nervous. I was only sixteen, and petite for my age at that. "I'm twenty." I lied, hoping he would buy it. "Oh. I wondered. You seem a bit small for your age though." "Yep. Just the way of the world I guess." I said, petrified. We walked with him out to the car and he started talking about his son who was on the way. I realized he meant dad. They started talking about parenthood and grandad asked how his father did. Dad replied "When I was younger I used to think my dad was hard on me, he never told me he loved me, and he never told me he liked me. But now, looking back, I only remember the good things." "Oh, really?" "Yeah my dad would always drop a few pearls." "What were they?" "Uh.. one of them was 'No amount of money ever bought a second of time.'" "Huh." Grandad said, "When you became a parent, did it make you nervous?" "Yeah. But when I saw her face for the first time, I felt like I could fly." Dad said, wrapping an arm around me. "I don't even know the kid yet and there's nothing I wouldn't do for him." Grandad said, looking hopefully at us. "Well, I have to leave." He said holding up the flowers he was holding. "Hopefully the wife will accept the apology." "Yeah." My dad said, chuckling slightly. He handed his dad the things he carried for him, and he drove off.

We met up with Steve and synced up and sped home.

A/N: Hope ya'll enjoyed this chapter! Warning: the next few chapters will include major spoilers from Avengers: Endgame. Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Marvel Characters or their stories. I just own Bailey/Technobyte. Thanks! -LucyPevensie68

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