Chapter 10: The Renewal and the Attack

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A/N: Hey guys! I'm so so so sorry that I haven't updated in a while. I got really busy. Anyway, Hope you enjoy this chapter! SPOILER WARNING: This chapter contains spoilers from Avengers: Endgame. Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Marvel Characters or their stories. I Just own Bailey/Technobyte. Thanks! -LucyPevensie68

We all went inside, praying that this would work. The gauntlet dad designed was ready for us, sitting proudly in the middle of the room. Thor argued with the others about how it should be him to put it on. I shut that idea up with a "You're not stable enough. Plus, we don't need another dead Avenger." Thor instantly backed off. In the end Banner volunteered to do it. Before he put it on, dad said "F.R.I.D.A.Y., do me a favor and activate the 'Barn door' protocol?" "Sure thing boss." All of the doors were reinforced with titanium and vibranium. I activated my suit and deployed the shield. Rocket was on my shoulder, with Clint behind me. Thor was behind dad, and everyone else was behind Steve. Then Banner put the gauntlet on. The energy poured through him, leaving him in agony. He was screaming, and dad said "Banner? Banner, talk to me!" He kept screaming and dad said, "Get it off him!" Banner replied with "No! I can do this!" Then, with an agonizing and determined cry, he snapped his fingers. There was a powerful blast, which knocked everyone back a bit, then silence. F.R.I.D.A.Y. lifted the protocol, and Lang walked to the window. There were two birds sitting in the tree outside. Clint got a call from his wife. Clint cried tears of joy when he picked up the phone. Lang, with awe, said "Guys, I think we did it." But at that moment, Shadows were cast over the compound, and a blast sounded, and everything exploded.

Each of us was knocked to a different part of the compound. Me, Rocket, and Clint were knocked down into the sewers. The gauntlet landed next to us. When we all came to, I stood up, putting Rocket on my shoulder. Clint led us through the sewers, stopping after a few yards. He held up his hand and signaled us to be quiet. He then took an arrow out of his quiver and shot it. It was a flashlight arrow and it showed us. so. Many. Chtauri. We all waited for the arrow to hit the bottom. We get ready to run with the gauntlet. The next few minutes are a blur. The arrow hits. The Chitauri screech. We run. Aliens die. We get to the surface. We're going to die. We're going to lose. Cap is in deep combat with.... Thanos. The purple face out of my nightmares. The person who took my friends, my family, my life. I'm almost blinded by the shock and anger I feel. I dive into combat to help Cap, but am instantly battered away by Thanos' blade. The blade leaves a deep cut on my side. It's bleeding badly, so I spray some plaster cast on it to make it stop. I then run at Thanos and kick as I've seen Peter do in recordings. I land my kick solidly, and draw a bit of blood from his mouth. He then grabs me by my neck and tosses me like a rag doll. He and Cap fight for a while, and Cap is able to pick up Molujner. 

(I'd start  the song"Portals" By Alan Silvestri from Avengers: Endgame if you want this section to really pop)

He and Thor fight bravely, but Thanos is winning. Cap's shield breaks in two. He's breathing heavily, clearly in pain as he yanks the straps of the shield off of his deeply cut arm. He's getting ready for another attack when we hear over the com, 

"C- Cap? Cap? Cap can you hear me? On your left." Cap and I turn to see sparks coming out of the air. The sparks grow into a portal, and Sam Wilson flies by us. Suddenly portals are opening all around us. We're surrounded by people who we thought were dead. I see a portal that someone swings through. It's Peter! I'm overjoyed at the sight of him, so much so that I run over and throw my arms around him, crying, "Peter! Oh my gosh I've missed you so much!" "Bailey?" Peter asks, "It's me!" I say as I pull away, wiping my eyes. "You look a lot older!" "Yeah! It's been five years Peter." "Oh. Well, I missed you!" We hug again, and I did something bold and unlike me. I kissed him on the cheek. I pulled away blushing. I looked around at all of the people we thought we lost.  They all looked battle ready and determined. I felt victorious and ready to face Thanos. I turn to Thanos, who moments ago was jeering at us, acting as though we lost. "I don't care what you say! We won today! We did what we meant to do! We brought everyone back! Sure, we had some issues on the way, but We Won! And we'll beat you again! We'll beat you a thousand times if we have to! Even if we're not around, there will always be good people who will rise up to stop people like you. So.. AVENGERS!" Everyone takes a stance and gets ready for the signal. We've been waiting for this moment for a long time.I look over at Cap and he nods in approval. "Assemble." And we all charged. 

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