Chapter 14: The Plane Ride

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The bus ride was long and boring. It mostly consisted of teenagers yelling. Peter and Ned sat in front of me and there wasn't enough room for me to sit with them. The bus filled up fast and the only open seat was in the very back of the bus. So here I sit. By myself. Just like old times. I shouldn't be hurt, but I am. I've been left behind and forgotten a lot in my life, and I was hoping having by best friend would change that. I scroll on my phone until we get to the airport. I grabbed my bags out of the back and Peter and Ned did the same. I started to go into the airport by myself, but Peter jogged up beside me. "Hey. I'm sorry. I didn't realize that you were by yourself." "It's fine. Do you want to sit with me on the plane? Oh wait, never mind. You wanted to sit with MJ. Sorry." "No it's okay. I can sit with you if you want." That was what I wanted more than anything, but I knew how badly Peter wanted to sit with MJ. "I know how much this plan means to you. Seriously, sit with her. I'll sit with Betty or Brad or something." I said with a light smile, "You sure?" Peter asked, his eyebrows furrowed with concern, "I'll be fine. You're cute when you worry." I laughed. We got through security with minor mishaps and we headed onto the plane. Peter tried rattling off some excuse to sit next to MJ, but it didn't work. The way we ended up sitting was Brad and MJ together, Betty and Ned together, and me and Peter together. I guess I got what I wanted after all. I felt really bad for Peter though. I could see that Brad and MJ were really hitting it off. "Hey. I'm really sorry. I know this isn't what you had planned." "It's fine. I get to sit with you! My best friend!" He said, trying to sound enthusiastic. I could hear the sadness laced through his words. I felt really bad, but what hit harder was that he said friend. I know that him liking me is way out of the question but a girl could hope. To try to cheer him up I said, "I downloaded the entire Star Wars saga on my laptop. Do you want to watch them? I have a headphone adapter." "Wait, really?!" Peter said, sadness forgotten, "I would love that!" "Which one do we start with?" I said with a wide smile and a laugh, "How about the first one?" Peter said, laughing with me. Peter put my laptop in his lap and we started the first one. sometime during the fourth one, I fell asleep on Peter's shoulder. 

Peter's POV:

(During this part I reccommend going into Spotify and listening to "It's Perfect" By Michael Giacchino. It's instrumental and from Spider-man: Far From Home. I'll be putting music sugesstions in the chapters every so often from here on out.)

Bailey and I watched up until the fourth Star Wars movie. Sometime around the trash compactor scene, she fell asleep on my shoulder. She looked so peaceful. She rarely looked peaceful or happy anymore. Not since her dad died. We were both having a really hard time with that. I felt like it was my fault, and she felt like it was hers. Everyone was expecting Spider-man to become the next Iron Man. Honestly, we were both trying to mourn, and the world wasn't letting us. Bailey had been plunged into the spotlight after everyone found out she was Technobyte, and I knew it really stressed her out. She didn't admit it, but I knew that she wasn't only juggling school and superhero stuff, but her mom was always busy, so she was basically raising her younger sister Morgan. The fact that she was famous gave Flash many many oppertunities to point out her flaws and tease her. I really really wanted to give him a piece of my mind but I knew that wouldn't end well. I looked down at Bailey. She looks so pretty, even when she's asleep. I'm not going to lie, she had grown up to become super smart, responsible, and pretty. Her brown hair had grown to the middle of her back, and she had gotten highlights. Her blue-gray eyes always had a twinkle in them, and her smile could light up a room. Not that she smiled much with everything going on. I was honestly confused with my feelings for her. I mean, I thought I liked MJ, but at the same time Bailey is always there for me and she's super sweet and caring and understanding. But at the same time I'm technically five years older than her, but that got messed up with the Blip and all. Ugh, this was all so confusing. I know that she doesn't like me back, so I go with the fact that I have a crush on MJ, even if I truly don't know anymore. I looked down at Bailey again. I closed the laptop and leaned my head against hers. Then I fell asleep, dreaming that she thought of me as something more than a friend. 

A/N: We're finally to the good part!! I promise that all of the story up to this point was needed for future story. I hope ya'll liked this chapter! Please feel free to comment or vote! It's greatly appreciated! I'm not gonna lie, this is my favorite chapter so far. Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Marvel characters or their stories. All rights go to Stan Lee, Sony and Disney. I just own Bailey/Technobyte. Thanks! -LucyPevensie68

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