Chapter 1

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Melody the Pirate

Being called a pirate was nothing new to a delinquent like Melody Jones. Although the pirate title wasn't associated with a positive light, it was still very pleasing for her to hear, and she never ever denied what she was. She was raised on a ship, earning her sea legs at a very young age and being around nothing but rum and sword fights her entire life. The ocean was her home and she was its lullaby.

"Give me a hand, Melody, don't just stand there and watch."

Melody glanced to her side to see her captain standing next to her, tugging on one of the Jolly Roger's ropes. She scrunched her nose and sneered at the scratchy rope.

"No, it's gross and rough on my skin. I always get rope-burn," she complained. The captain scoffed at her words before shoving the rope into her hands anyway.

"Show some respect for your captain and your father," he said before walking off, leaving her alone with the rope.

Melody frowned but began to tug at the rope. She could already feel the burns on her palms. She finally pulled down one of the sails and tied the rope around a post. Melody looked down at her hands and scowled. They were a hot burning red. With a scowl on her face, she crossed her arms. She pouted when she heard her dad begin to shout orders to the rest of the ship crew.

"Prepare to drop the anchor! We're arriving in Storybrooke!"

The anchor was tossed over the side and Melody watched as it disappeared into the waters.

"Melody, don't forget your sword," her dad reminded her. Melody hadn't noticed her sword wasn't hanging off her waistband. She snapped her fingers before dashing downstairs to find her trusty sword. When she returned to her dad's side, she saw another crew member placing the platform off the rails and down onto the wharf. Melody happily bounced off the ship and was more than thankful when her boots finally hit solid ground. As much as she loved the ocean, she found more enjoyment on land than she could ever find on a ship.

The food was definitely better on land than on a stinky ship.


A pretty blonde appeared before Melody's father. A little kid stood off to her side as well and Mel scrunched her nose when her dad and the blonde kissed.

Emma Swan and Henry Mills were two honorable citizens of Storybrooke, Maine. Emma was the sheriff of the town and the new girlfriend of Killian Jones.

Henry Mills' family tree was too complicated for Melody to keep track of. Too many strange adoptions and marriages occurred for anyone to truly keep note of who was related to who.

All Melody knew was that Henry's other mother, Regina Mills, didn't like her very much.

"Melody, welcome back!" Henry greeted with a toothy smile. Melody waved back but stopped suddenly when her stomach growled.

"How was life at sea, Mel?" Emma asked with a laugh as she neared her.

"It was great! Except for the lack of chili cheese fries..." Melody muttered. Emma chuckled before gesturing towards town.

"Then we should probably see what Granny's cooked up today," she said and Henry yanked Mel away from the grown-ups and into Storybrooke. As soon as they entered Granny's Dinner, Henry and Melody sat at the bar and smiled at Granny.

"Welcome back, Melody. What would you like?" She asked.

"Extra large Chili Cheese Fries, please. Oh and a diet coke. I'm trying to lose some pounds," Melody said all while rubbing her slightly bloated belly. The old lady chuckled at her before clicking her pen.

"Coming right up, Miss Jones. Ruby! Order up!"

Melody smiled at the passing Ruby as the dark-haired beauty rushed to her grandmother's aid. Mel cleared her throat and turned back to Henry.

"How's life treating you, kid?"

"Good, I guess. I found a book. Look," Henry said as he pulled a leather book out of his bookbag. Melody raised her eyes as he handed her the book. Melody choked on her spit as she read the title of it.

"The Wonders of Neverland?" She squeaked and practically shoved the book back towards the boy as if it was hot lava in her hands.

"Yeah. It's for you," the boy said and slid it towards her again. Melody whined and stared at the book. Her stomach suddenly felt sick instead of hungry.

"Henry, I don't think it's a good idea for me to have this book."

"But why?" Melody snapped her head at him and for a second, Henry feared for his life. He grinned sheepishly and apologized.

"You listen and listen good, boy. I'm lucky your family even let me come back here with my dad," Mel mumbled, "and I refuse to give anyone a reason to banish me from here. Your mother doesn't even like me for what I did."

Henry lowered his eyes to his food when Ruby placed it before them.

"My grandma would never leave you behind. Neither would my mom or grandpa. We never leave anyone behind," he said lowly when Ruby walled away. Mel narrowed her eyes and sunk her fork into her fries.

I don't deserve your family's hostility. I helped the person who was trying to kill you. That isn't normal Henry. I was so blinded that I was even willing to kill my own father..." Melody snapped. She was overly ashamed by her past actions but she couldn't exactly take anything back. What was done, was done?

"I don't understand how you're able to even be around me."

Henry shook his head and bit into his burger.

"You're too hard on yourself. My family is very forgiving," he said as he took a sip of his hot cocoa.

"Not Regina," the pirate grumped through a mouthful of food. Henry only shrugged at her complaints.

"My mom is a whole other story. She's stubborn, just like you."

Melody snickered at Henry's comment but fully agreed. Killian always said Mel was the most stubborn, hotheaded girl he had ever met, and he had met plenty of girls through his travels.

"Your mother will never forgive me. And to be honest, I'm okay with that. I'm not exactly her biggest fan either," Melody huffed. She finished her food and wiped her mouth with a napkin.

"Give her time," he said.

Melody scoffed.

"Time is the last thing that I have. And you know why," she said. Henry didn't respond.

Henry was well aware of Melody's paranoia of the future. She was a big believer of karma and she was sure her end of the stick would soon catch up to her.

But for the moment, he let Melody enjoy her fries.

"I feel fat," Melody moaned and pushed her empty plate away. She rubbed her stomach.

"Want dessert?"

"You know the way to a girl's heart, Henry."

Melody was about to wave down Ruby again to order a large sundae when a familiar firm voice spoke from behind them.


Melody mentally groaned and the two turned around to see Mayor Mills staring down at them. Melody swirled back in her seat. She didn't have any spare energy to defend herself against Regina. It was easier to just make herself invisible as much as possible.

"Henry, let's go," Regina said. Henry was about to protest but with a single glare from the pirate, he submitted. Obeying his mother, he stood to his feet and threw on his coat.

Melody shot him a reassuring smile before both he and his mom left the diner. She let out a sigh.

A tall smoothie was placed before she and Melody looked up to see Ruby smiling at her cautiously.

"Regina can be a handful. Don't let her get to you, Mel," Ruby said. Melody scoffed.

"Regina is the type of person who would curse an entire town and still be forgiven but not forgive a little girl for being corrupted. Talk about ironic."

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