Chapter 10

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Melody was paranoid.

She knew she shouldn't live her days out in fear and stress but she couldn't help it. Every bone in her body was telling her he was near.

Piper would tell her she was just being paranoid and try to distract the pirate, but none of it worked.

It was a beautiful Saturday morning. Melody was out getting bagels and coffee for her and Piper down at a little local spot. Her energy was drained so she needed a little boost. As she paid for her food and left the tiny shop, she allowed the bustling movement of New York to consume her. She made her way back to the hotel.

She greeted the doorman and went straight to the front desk where Piper waited for her food.

"I'm starving!"

She immediately began to eat. Melody watched her carefully as the two girls sat behind the front desk.

"Who were you over there?" Melody suddenly asked. Piper stopped her chewing and glanced over to the pirate. She sighed before putting her bagel down and wiping her hands.

"Nobody important, I suppose."

"That's not true. I've heard of a Piper back home. Except they called him the Pied Piper of the night."

Piper scrunched her face and growled.

"I was once the Pied Piper. My magical flute would help kids escape their abused guardians and lead them to freedom..." She started solemnly, "Until a boy took my name in vain and tainted it with his dark ways."

"I never knew who he was, but he called himself the Pied Piper too. He would play in the middle of the night only a tune lost boys could hear, and kidnap them."

Piper let out a sigh before sipping her coffee.

"I stopped being the Pied Piper after that. My name had a bad reputation thanks to that boy."

Melody could feel her face burning. She knew exactly who the boy was. But with one looked towards Piper, the pirate decided to leave that little secret to herself.

After spending the morning upfront with Piper, and even helping out in the hotel, Melody made her way back upstairs to her room. All she really wanted was a nap. The sun was going to set at any given moment and Melody was to knock out.

She entered her room but immediately stopped when she felt something wrong. Nothing seemed out of place but the room energy was off. She reached into her back pocket and pulled out a small switchblade. It wasn't exactly appropriate to be wondering the streets of New York with a sword so a small switchblade had to do.

As she crept deeper into her room, she grew more cautious of her window being open. Curious as to how she had forgotten to close the window, she had a moment of weakness as she lowered her weapon in confusion.

But it was all it took for someone to wrap his arms around her.

Melody shrieked and fought against her capturer. As much as she fought with her body weight, she couldn't overpower him. She was getting tired and slowing down.

"Givin' up that easily, huh love?" The voice chuckled. It was obvious who it was but Melody still hoped it was some random British boy who had somehow made it to her floor.

Her dreams were slowly crushed when she felt magic being used on her. Her entire body couldn't move, and once she stopped squirming about, the arms let her go.

Peter Pan walked in front of Melody to get a good look at the horrid scowl on her face before smirking.

"You look good, Melody."

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