Chapter 6

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It only took a quick panicking moment for Melody to process what had been said before she grabbed her bag and sprinted out of the Sheriff Station. As she slammed open the station door, she crashed straight into Hook. Her dad held her up in confusion.

"Melody, what are you-"

"You have to take me out of town, dad!" She screamed as she fought against his arms. Hook carefully dragged his daughter back into the station.

"What is going on?" He asked.

And after Emma and David explained what was going on, the pirate was more or less confused.

"But he's in Pandora's Box. He's been in there for months now."

"I doubt it's his shadow. There is plenty of dark magic that manipulates shadows, it can literally be anyone," David concluded. Emma agreed and once she convinced Killian he had nothing to worry about, he was able to let out a relieved breath.

But Melody wasn't convinced at all.

"Mel, he's not coming to get you, because he's trapped inside Pandora's Box. Nobody can escape that thing, it's practically impossible."

"Then how come his shadow is out there kidnapping dwarfs!" Melody snapped as she tried to stand from her seat but her father just shoved her back down.

"The chances of that being his shadow are slim," Hook continued. Melody huffed and her face turned red.

"Who else do you know has a shadow lurking about!?" She exclaimed and flung her arms around.

"I'm not taking you out of town. You'll be safe here" he finished firmly. Hook placed a kiss on her head and sighed. He turned away from his daughter to speak with Emma.

Although her father was certain nothing would happen, Melody couldn't help but feel incredibly sick to her stomach.

Her gut was telling her to run.

And Melody knew she would be out of town the following morning.


Hook and Rumple were smart.

After Melody's fright with the shadows, her dad's knew she would try to escape. In order to keep track of their daughter, they placed her in house arrest, with a different person watching her every hour of every day.

Melody's following days consisted of her wanting to end it all and throw herself out her bedroom window. She was driving herself crazy inside her house and wanted to leave.

It was the same old day in repeat. Mel sat at her window sill and gazed out to the sleeping town.

The night chirped away and its sounds filled her isolated room. Although it was nearing midnight, Melody had no interest in sleeping. With a blanket over her shoulders, she was able to get lost in her own thoughts.

Hours passed and Melody could feel her eyes growing heavy. She fought against her own body as she tried to stay awake but eventually, she allowed sleep to consume her.

She managed to only get five minutes of sleep before she felt a cold wind brush up against her skin. Her eyes scrunched closer together as she shivered.

But the more she tried to ignore it, the colder it got. The wind eventually got to the pirate and she woke up with a start.


The young girl eyes widened as she caught sight of what she had feared for the past days.

Melody grabbed the sword she always kept by her bed and stood in defense. Her sword gripped tightly in her hands as she tried her best not to freak out.

The shadow that floated before her was nothing but evil.

"You better leave, you insufferable creature... Before I light you on fire!" She hissed at the shadow that floated merely inches away from her.

No need to be snappy, Jones. It's been a while since we've part ways, but trust me when I say my master hasn't forgotten about you. And I know you haven't forgotten about him either.

"He's trapped forever in Pandora's Box. Not even a god can save his dark soul now. On another note, what have you done with the missing dwarfs? Killed them?"

You have my word, I haven't killed them. Consider it a type of distraction, the shadow's words caught Melody's attention and she frowned.


Yes. Peter Pan will return soon. And when he does, he'll come straight for you.

When the shadow left, Melody was left with a bitter taste in her mouth. After her brief moment of sleep, she knew she wouldn't be able to close her eyes again.

The shadow's visit was a sign.

Melody knew the shadow spoke truth. It was only a matter of time before Pan escaped his prison.

In a moment of weakness, Melody gathered her knapsack and carefully opened her window. She knew David and Snow were on watch that night, so she had to make sure she was as silent as possible. The pirate climbed down the side of her house and she let out a breath of relief when she finally hit the grass.

As she neared the edge of the property, Melody stopped. She squatted down and grabbed a pebble. She flicked it in front of her and watched as the pebble bounced off a protection spell. Melody frowned. She wasn't surprised her father had placed a spell around the house.

She reached into her bag and pulled out a stolen copy of her dad's spellbooks. Skimming through it, she quickly found a counterspell to destroy it. Melody was careful to mumble the words as clearly as possible and was proud of herself when the protection spell broke down.

She was able to sprint down the road. She knew exactly where she was going but she wasn't sure how to ask them for help.

Melody was sure Regina would rather strangle her than ever help her.


Melody and Regina sat together awkwardly in a silent living room. Regina's arms were crossed in annoyance as she glared at the young girl.

"I don't like you."

"I know," Melody responded, "but you and I both know hell will break loose if he escapes that box. I personally don't want to cause any more harm than I already have."

Regina hummed. With her magic, the mayor was able to whip out something from thin air.

"This should help you. Open it when the time comes. Don't ever say I didn't do anything nice for you," Regina snapped as she handed Melody an envelope.

The pirate nodded her head and quickly stuffed it away.

"I have another request."

"Of course you do."

"This stays between us. I don't need my dad's finding out about this. They'll do everything in their power to stop me."

Regina rolled her eyes and sipped on her tea.

"Fine. You have my word. I won't breathe a word of this to anyone."

Melody narrowed her eyes.

"Not even Henry?"

Regina set down her cup.

"Not even Henry."


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