Chapter 4

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It was the end of a long and painful school day and all Melody wanted to do was eat tacos until she puked.

"Bye Henry," Melody said as she turned around to walk the other way. While she was heading off to the Sheriff's station, Henry was going off to Regina's house. But before Melody could leave Henry stopped her. Mel could see the leather book he was holding and almost hissed at it.

"Please, Melody, take the book," he insisted and pushed the cursed book into her hands. Melody instantly dropped it. She wanted to stomp on it and destroy it under her dirty boots but decided against her thoughts when Henry quickly picked it back up. He dusted the book off and glared at her.

"When I said I was going to go home and relax, I didn't mean I wanted to read a book, Henry," Melody said. She frowned as the boy shoved the book towards her again.

"Just take it."

"I don't think your mother will like that I'm reading about a demonic, the exact one, by the way, that you were nearly killed on," Melody reminded.

"Emma won't mind."

"I wasn't talking about that mother, Henry," Melody replied. Henry let out a sigh before nodding his head understandingly.

"It shouldn't matter what Regina thinks, Mel. I really think you should have this book."

"Henry, I'm trying to get your mom to like me, not to hate me even more."

"She doesn't hate you," he retorted but Melody silenced him with her sharp eyes.

"The other day she insulted me without even trying," the pirate snapped and although Melody was now amused by the mayor's comment, she did feel a little hurt by Regina's words that day.

"I just don't understand why she still dislikes you?"

Melody scoffed at the boy's naiveness. She refused to comment more on the subject as all it did was give her a headache.

"I forgave you and so did the rest of my family. So she should also forgive you."

"Kid, it doesn't work like that..." Melody mumbled. She tightened the straps of her bag and was ready to take off when Henry held her back again.

"Please, just take it," he said in a softer voice. Henry widened his eyes and used his puppy look to finally make Mel cave into his demands. She growled loudly before snatching the book out of his hands.

"Fine, I'll take it. But if your mother kills me, I'll haunt you forever."

Henry didn't seem to care as he waved goodbye and rushed off home. Melody looked down at the book. The title The Wonders of Neverland plastered in gold across the leather taunted her. The pirate let out a sigh and hid the book on her bag. With one last glance around, she began her walk to the station.

When she arrived at the sheriff station, Melody saw Emma waiting outside with a coffee in one hand and a lunch bag in the other. The blonde smiled at Mel as she neared and handed her the bag.

"I got you lunch," Emma said and Melody was joyed to find a juicy burger.

"Ready to go see your dad?" She asked as Melody stepped into Emma's yellow buggy. The young girl nodded, too distracted by her food to even notice what Emma was saying. Melody didn't even notice when they had gone off towards the harbor.


Melody watched as Emma drove off in her yellow buggy. The Jolly Roger patiently sat in the water waiting for its co-captain to return. As Melody climbed onto the ship's deck, she saw one of her father's followers. Melody neared them and cleared her throat.

"Have you seen my father, Reedus?" She asked the pirate. The man nodded in respect before gesturing towards the captain's quarters.

"He's in a meeting at the moment," he informed. Melody raised her eyebrow before scoffing. Her father being in a meeting wasn't going to stop her from entering. Besides, what exactly did he even have to have a meeting for?

As Melody burst into the quarters, she surprisingly found her two dads, Rumpelstiltskin and Hook. Their voices tuned down to a hush as Melody shut the door behind her.

"Dad... And dad. What are you doing here?" She asked Rumple as she sunk into the comfortable leather chairs. Mr. Gold glanced at Hook but quickly looked back at his adopted daughter.

"Nothing important, dearie," he responded. Melody was working on some fries, expecting her parents to continue talking but all they were doing were staring at her. Mel scrunched.

"What's going on?" She questioned, forgetting about her now cold fries.

Neither of her father's really liked each other, so to Melody, it was highly suspicious that they were both found together without someone forcing them. They both shared a glance again before Killian cleared his throat.

"Love, we have been discussing something from the past that involves you," he said as he ran his hand over his hook. Melody narrowed her eyes and hummed.

"Dearie, after what happened in... Neverland," he paused for a moment before he continued, "We think that all memories being around him will come back to haunt you sooner or later. We definitely do not want to take that chance. We care about you too much to let you be corrupted like that again."

Killian nodded in agreement and continued Rumple's thoughts.

"We know that you regret your decisions when you were on the wrecked island. So we were thinking about removing that section of your memories and replacing them with newer, happier ones," Killian finished. Melody sat up straighter and frowned.

"Have the two of you completely lost your minds?!" She snapped at them.

"Young lady, don't you start getting a temper with us now," Killian snapped firmly. Melody rolled her eyes and scoffed.

"Melody do not roll your eyes at your father," Rumple then said as he stood up.

"How could you suggest such a thing? I know I suffered a lot on that island, but the experience is what will prevent it from ever happening again. So thanks but no thanks, I will be keeping my memories," Melody said firmly and both of her father's sighed.

"Give it some thought, love."

"No," she said stubbornly and grabbed her school bag. She didn't give her parents a moment to stop her as she walked out of the captain's quarters and off the ship.

Melody wasn't sure where to go anymore. She sure as hell didn't want to go to Rumple's mansion and she couldn't stay on the ship.

So she sought out an alternative.

Melody stormed off. She muttered profanities under her breath as she stomped through the deep forest. The leaves and twigs crunched under her feet until she found a small stump. She threw her bag down and sat down with a huff.

Was she overreacting? Maybe.

Did she care? No.

She knew her fathers meant the best for her. It wasn't like them to suggest such a drastic extent, but either way Melody knew this just wasn't the way. With her memories gone, she wouldn't aim to be a better person.

Besides, not all my memories were bad, Melody thought to herself.

While Melody was on Neverland, she knew most of what happened on there was a manipulation of her emotions and thoughts, but she couldn't hell but keep those memories close to her heart.

Like the memory of when she shared her first kiss with the one and only, Peter Pan.

Melody groaned and sighed.

She suddenly felt sick.

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