Undersiders and the Brotherhood East

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The alarms going off indicating that his bas had been breached was concerning for Coil.

"Team A! Report! Who is attacking us!" Coil demanded into the radio.

Team A, those who were at the main entrance, only responded with Gunfire and screams. The cameras on the main hallway broke before who ever was attacking could even be caught.

"Why won't it die! Bring up the Anti-brute gear!" was all that was shouted.

An automated turret activated, and apparently was tracking the thing, as it fired.

"Team A, tell me, who is attacking us?" Coil asked much calmer.

"We don't know, it just, oh god...it's getting back up. It's a fucking monster. It was turned to a mist and it's getting back up." Team A reported, before a roar was heard.

Coil attempted to split the timeline, but as he did, he noticed that on his desk was a girl, grey skin, black hair, just looking at him with mismatched eyes. In one timeline, before he could act, they reached forward and placed a hand on the right side of his head. In the other, they placed a hand on the left side. In both, they pushed and the two split realities remerged together.


"What do you want from me?" Coil asked, fearful as he was not still being help, unable to split his timelines at this time now.

The girl didn't answer, just continued to hold his head, and stare at him through his mask. He slowly reached for a gun under the desk, only for a foot to kick his wrist away from the desk. He could only listen as the screams of Team A, that transitioned to and through Teams B, C, D, and E all sounded through the radio, until the door to his office was reached.

Slowly the door was pushed open, and a similar grey skinned, black haired, mismatched colored eye figure stepped in.

"Hello there." He said, pulling a chair across the room and sitting down just on the other side of Coil's desk.

The girl let go of his head and sat in the lap of her "brother".

"What is it that you want from me?" Coil asked, attempting to split the timeline, but found that he couldn't.

"We just need you, and 4 other people to witness something. Sister, would you so kindly call them with Mister Coil's phone and bring them here?" the brother asked.


He reached to the desk phone and pressed a button, calling Tattletale first.

"What did you do to my men?" Coil asked.

"Nothing too severe that a bit of hazard pay shouldn't clear up in them. To them, they will have a dozen different stories, but, I do admit, I won't be pleased if I find you are attempting to find a way to counter me." the brother said.

Suddenly Tattletale was in the room, holding her phone, confused, in costume. The girl pressed the button on the phone to end the call and pressed the next one. Grue.

"What? How did I? Why am I-?" She narrowed her eyes on the pair of grey skinned siblings, "You turned off my power, no...you blocked it out on yourselves." She noted.

"Very good, just stay here for a bit, we need-"

Grue suddenly arrived, in costume on the phone, and confused. Regent was called next.

"Ummm, T....Are we in a Firetruck situation?" Grue asked.

"We are at a Clifford on rabies bad." Tattletale answered.

Regent took longer, before he appeared, laying prone in the air, phone just between his elbows, before he flopped on the ground, groaning while in costume.

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