Telling you everything

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Rainbow dash came in the room and told the girls about everything that happened to her she broke down in tears because she never told anyone this except for flutter shy everyone around her hugged her and told her it's okay.

Twilight: I'm sorry that happened to you.[sad]

Rainbow dash: I'm just glad I told you guys before it was to late..

Rarity: don't worry rainbow dash we are here for you, you can talk to us whenever you need to.[smiles]

Apple jack: yeah I'm glad we are friends.[smiles.]

Everyone laughed and they had a great time together time passed and everyone went home.

Rainbow dash was in the room while flutter shy was in the kitchen with her mom helping her cook for dinner.

Sometime past and the dinner was ready.

Flutter shy: rainbow dash dinners ready.

Rainbow dash: I'll be there in a sec..

Flutter shy: okay hurry up..

Flutter shy went back to the kitchen.

Rainbow dash was in the room cutting herself
Flutter shy came in the room.

Flutter shy: what are you doing omg?

Rainbow dash: I'm sorry...

Flutter shy: don't me sorry okay

Flutter shy hugged rainbow dash and she kissed all of her scars and hugged her again.

Flutter shy: rainbow dash please promise you won't do it again.

Rainbow dash: I'll try not to..

Flutter shy: please just promise me..

Rainbow dash: I- I promise okay I promise.[crying]

Flutter shy hugged her again.

Flutter shy: I'll always stay by your side no matter what okay.

Rainbow dash: okay.[smiles.]

Rainbow dash and flutter shy shared a kiss then they went to the kitchen to eat dinner.

Sometime passed they finished their dinner and went back to the room they watched a movie and listened to music for a while.

They both got ready for bed.

Rainbow dash decided to sleep on the bed with flutter shy.

Flutter shy: you finally decided to sleep next to me hun?

Rainbow dash: yeah goodnight I love you..

Rainbow dash kissed her on the forehead.
Flutter shy blushed.

Flutter shy: I-i love you to.[smiles]

Flutter shy: goodnight..

They both feel asleep

Flutter shys mom came in the room and saw both of them sleeping she smiled and left the room.

Time passed and it was now morning.

Flutter shy: good morning.[smiles.]

Rainbow dash: good morning beautiful.[smiles]

Right before rainbow dash was gonna get ready someone called her rainbow dash pick up.

Rainbow dash: hello who's this?

Mom: hunny it's me your mom..

Rainbow dash: mom? Why are you calling me you abandoned me remember?

Mom: hunny I'll explain that later but I have great news to tell you..

Rainbow dash: and what is that?

Mom: your dad got arrested

Rainbow dash: WHAT HOW?

Mom: because he was drinking and driving the police said this isn't the first time he got stop by police so they are going to give him 1 year in jail.

Rainbow dash: well that's great but why did you abandon me?

Mom: cause I was scared he said if I tried to take you he would have hurt you and I don't want that to happen I'm so sorry sweetheart..

Rainbow dash: sorry mom but I can't forgive you that easily..

Mom: that's fine but can you come home hunny.

Rainbow dash: I think I'm gonna stay here for a little while before I go back to that place.

Mom: can you at least tell me if you're somewhere safe.

Rainbow dash: yes mom I'm safe I'm staying with a friend well my girlfriend now..

Mom: that's great hunny I hope I get to meet your girlfriend soon anyway I'll you later bye hunny I love you.

Rainbow dash: I love you too mom bye.

Call ended

Flutter shy: was that your mom?

Rainbow dash: yeah she was just calling to make sure I was okay and also my dad went to jail for 1 year now I can't be afraid of him..

Flutter shy hugged her.

Years passed rainbow dash was doing better than ever but she still had nightmares sometimes but flutter shy was there to help her. Rainbow dash dad sadly passed. Rainbow dash finally moved in with her mom and they have been doing great. The girls were doing.m great to they had a new friend her name was sunset shimmer. Sunset shimmer wasn't mean anymore she completely changed for the better. Rainbow dash and flutter shy became a lot closer than ever everything was back to normal. :)

The end
Thank you for reading😁
Who ever is reading this you are loved you are beautiful and you deserve love I love you💙🥺

Make sure to check out my other stories :)
[sorry for any mistakes.]
[I hope you enjoyed.]
[I love you💙.]

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