Chapter - 1 ~ A Bad First Impression

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Red's Pov: 

I can't believe my mom sent me to this stupid princess academy. I know she only wanted me out of the castle for a while since I have been acting off. She never really cared and only wanted me to take over the Kingdom of Hearts to show off. As I walked through the halls of Auradon Prep, I listened to the jangling keys in my hand. 'Room 203, huh?' I continued making my way through the castle like school, going up the stairs and to the dorms. I searched the halls until I finally found it! Room 203! I unlocked the door and opened it, only to find a blue princess. I scoffed, wishing I had no roommate as I entered and set down my bag of stuff. I Sat down on my bare bed, noticing the comfortable but plain white silk covers. I looked over at her side of the room to see it decorated with blue and gold novelties. She had a picture of who I'm guessing is her family. She had long blue curls and shiny glass boots.

"Hi! I'm Chloe Charming. I'm guessing you're Red of Wonderland, right? I've always 'wondered' what it's like there." She joked. This girl spoke with such enthusiasm, god she was gonna be such an annoying pest!! I smiled sarcastically and said with a fake cheery tone, "You should come sometime, I'll introduce you to the Jabberwocky!" "Fun! What's a Jabberwocky?" I quickly stopped smiling and looked her dead in the eyes with a cold red glare. "A monster that eats annoying girls." That made her shut up quickly and stop smiling. She looked down after nodding and went back to her side of the room. Finally, she will leave me alone.

~~Two Weeks Later~~

It seem's like Chloe was ignoring me when I entered the dorm, and for some reason it bothered me. I knew that coming to this school was just a flank excuse for my mom to get rid of me for a while, but the way this girl looked at me when I entered the room would send some sort of shock through my back. But now that she is ignoring every time I say anything or do anything, it makes me miss her sweet- OH FUCKING HELL NAH. I AM NOT THINKING THAT. I hate this girl, she makes me feel weird and its so damn annoying!

I have finished setting up my side of the room with red decor and black things. I have a Wonderland poster on my wall above my bed, and I changed the bedding completely. I have my shoes set by my closet and all of my clothes in there. I have a small picture of Maddox and I framed with a red and black frame. The picture had purple sharpie on it. Maddox was my only friend in Wonderland, and he sent me it on the first weekend. The day had been around 7:00 PM and I was just sitting on a red beanbag next to my real bed and just playing with cards.

Chloe's POV: 

Ever since I met my new roommate, she had been mean to everyone and sarcastic. She threatened me. The first thing she ever said to me was a threat. Now she only makes a snarky remark here and there. She had an... interesting choice of decor. She would always give me the oddest look in class. The first week of school, she had painted my fencing sword Red! She makes me feel a certain way... not like disgust or anything but... I just don't know how to describe it! She always cusses at me and leaves her clothes on the ground!

It was 7:23 PM and she was just playing with her cards on some beanbag. I was doing my homework so that I didn't get any bad grades. I heard the wood thumping from her black socks. I felt an overwhelming presence behind me and I stopped my homework as it was finished. I got out a book and began reading. I only got two pages red before I felt a sharp sting in the back of my head. "AGH SON OF A BI-" I quickly stopped myself as I heard a giggle. I turned around and saw Red standing behind me. "What was that for, Red?!" She quickly replied with a genuine smile. One that I've never seen before. "Oh come on, princess~ You always read and study! Plus it was super funny!" She then let out a cute snarl. I had just about enough, I stood up and snuck over as she was laughing. I smacked her cheek with the same force. She winced and her eyes went wide. There were tears welling up as her expression changed into pure rage. She then looked down and wiped her tears. She stood up and went to her bed, lying down and curling up into a ball. 

"Shoot..." I whispered. She heard me, I saw her crunch down harder and I saw tear stains on her blanket. I figured it would be better if she had some space. It was okay after 3 days, she would avoid me and I respected that. But now, when I tried to talk to her, she would avoid me and run as if I were the black plague! I really messed up this time! I decided to let her come to me on her own time after the first few weeks. It really hurt me on how she would avoid me as if I were a disease. 

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