Chapter - 6 ~ Meeting the Charmings

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Red's POV:

I was sitting in the dorms, relaxing on my black beanbag when Chloe came into the room. She sat down on her bed and started studying again. When has she ever put those damn books down? I noticed she had earbuds in. Blue airpods. I decided to mess with her since it's been a while. I stood up and walked over to the princess of studies. I closed her book and Threw it in the trash. "RED!" Chloe shouted, I stood on the side smiling as she dug her book out of the trash.

"Why are you even studying, It's the middle of SUMMER!" I laughed as she lightly hit my shoulder, still mad about the book. "Then what should I do all summer?" Damn it. "I don't know! Go out with friends, wreck things! Cause mayhem and destroy a tyrants castle!" "NO!" "That's what I would do..." "Well, that's you Red."

Chloe had a good point. It was only me who did that... Shoot. "Well then Princess, if you want to be such a goody goody, maybe you should hang out with your royal friends?" Chloe sat and thought for a minute, I think I finally broke her. "Well, it's a bit more complicated!" Oh... Hm... I made a confused face, edging her to go on. "Well, you see Red... I don't go out with friends because..." I knew it, it had clicked! "YOU SPEND TOO MUCH TIME READING!" I shouted.

"Damn, just call me out then..." Chloe... did she just- Hold up, WHAT?! I let out an exasperated gasp. Chloe looked confused until the gears were turning in her head. "Shoot!" I burst out laughing. "YOU CUSSED!" I howled with laughter. Chloe sighed agitated, "You do it all the time, whats the big deal okay?" Oh hmm let me think.... "Yeah, but I'm different. I cuss more than you, and plus. You're a goody goody.~" 

"Red, you're so immature and childish." Chloe said matter-of-factly. "Whatever, princess." Right! Chloe needed to do something other than read all day! "Heyy, Red~" "Hm?" I was confused, why was she smiling so cheeky?... "If I can't read all day, then why don't you come visit my parents!" "WHAT?!" She had to be joking, right?? "Come on Red! It's about time they meet you! Well... officially meet you! And plus, it's the middle of Summer so you can't say no!" Damn it, she was right. 

"Fine. I'll go, but next week you have to meet my Mom!" Surely she would say no to me meeting her parents if she had to meet mine in return, right? "Sure! I'd love to!" Wait... No! Darn it... Now I have to meet her parents and take her to meet mom next week! Ugh! "Alrighty then, I'll be waiting outside for you and you can get ready! Please don't be rude when you meet them, they have been pestering me about you!" Chloe said with a grin before walking out of the dorm so calmly. 

Dang it! Now I have to get ready to meet her 'charming' family! I love making jokes about them. Especially Chad. He is an easy target, plus it's even funnier since he's dating Audrey. Oh well... I walked over to my wardrobe and picked out a nice black t shirt with a red leather jacket. I put on some red and black fishnet gloves and put on normal black jeans. I put on my usual shoes and left to the bathroom to do my makeup. 

I put on my velvet lipstick and did black eye shadow. I then put my hair up into two buns with the rest of it falling off my shoulders. (Reference to movie) I brushed my teeth and put my stuff away. After cleaning my mess in the restroom, I went to the garden where Chloe was. I saw the red roses, mixed with the white little daisy's. 

"Yo, charming, you ready?" Chloe snapped up. She nodded and walked over to me, "I was just checking on the garden before we left!" I nodded and followed her to the carriage in front of Auradon Prep. We got settled in and began our way to Cinderellasburg. As I looked out the window, I saw the birds flying through the trees. 'Why am I just so damn nervous?

I viewed the road as we pulled into the kingdom. Oh god, oh no! This is gonna be a long day... The carriage pulled up to the grand castle where Queen and King Charming stood outside, at the the top of the stairs. Both were in fancy clothing compared to my choice of fashion. I glanced at Chloe to see her excited, then I glanced back at her parents and gulped. 

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