Chapter - 10 ~ Royal Fail

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Red's POV:

I awoke. Chloe clinging to me as if I were the last person in this odd world. I soon nudged her awake playfully, making sure she wasn't going to fall back asleep. "Red? Awake before noon? Go back to bed so we can cuddle more!" Chloe lazily shouted. "Aww, what happened to Chloe Charming the goody goody?~" I chuckled as she slammed a soft pillow on my face. I roped my arms around her waist and pulled her down, planting kisses all over her face. She laughed and pulled away.

"Mhm! And what happened to the badass, heartless, rude Red Hearts?" I scoffed and rolled my eyes playfully. "Whatever!~ At least I can still be badass! I think I'm rubbing off on you.~" Chloe sighed with a smile. "Red, why are you up so early?~" Chloe asked in a teasing voice. The way she had smiled made me fall even harder for her. "Y'know princess, I think I've fallen so hard for you that I'd have a bloody nose and broken concrete.~" "Don't be cheesy, Queen of my heart.~"

I blushed with the new nickname. "Very well then, Of Queen of Glass-hearts!~" She smiled and playfully hit my shoulder, though do to her strength there was a very small sting. Sitting up made Chloe cling to me harder. "Red! I said go back to sleeep! Now listen to your rightful queen!" Chloe joked. I let out a fake exasperated sigh. "Mrs.Goody Goody abusing her power?" Chloe forced me back down and kissed my cheek.

"Good girl.~" OH my fucking god, she still hasn't let that go?! I blushed at yet again the nickname and held Chloe down tightly. I made sure that she was warm, given the chilly temperature of the room in the mornings. "Do we have to go do anything today, other than go to our new castle?" I questioned almost silently to myself, thinking. Chloe pulled me out of my thoughts. "Yeah, we have to meet Chad and Audrey around 3 PM because they haven't met you yet. "Who?" 

Chloe groaned at the thought of Chad. "He's my annoying older brother, He's married to a woman named Audrey. You'll know who they are later." Hmm... okay? "Oh, alright." The clock had hit 8:23 AM. I looked down at the sleeping Chloe and nuzzled the top of her head with my nose. I yawned, laying back down and resting my eyes. 

The alarm blared in my ears. The time was 11 AM and we needed to get ready. I woke up Chloe and she kissed my cheek. "Man I feel refreshed!" She shouted. "Heh... Yep!" I followed after. After getting ready with our last pair of clothes, we packed the last pf our things and went outside to the carriage. We put our backpacks in the back and sat together in the front. "I can't wait to get home!" 

Chloe was far to excited, I was still to tired to be happy about it right now. I nodded and rested my head on her shoulder. Drifting off into a deep sleep. When I awoke, We were parked right in front of our new Castle. It was... fine? Cinderella and Charming were already off and on their way. Chloe grabbed our bags and we went inside. She showed me around and we took the last bit of our things to the main room. The bed was.... big. 

I set my stuff down at the foot of the bed, only for Chloe to have a butler put the bag and its contents up and where they "belong". I didn't care, as long as we didn't have to do it ourselves. I was about to lay down and go to sleep when I was lifted. Chloe was carrying me bridal style down the stairs. "Chloe, isn't this to much?" She shook her head. "It's a good workout!" I rolled my eyes playfully as she set me on a couch. "Red, you need to be up. Chad and Audrey will be here any minute now!" 

Just as Chloe finished her sentence, the doorbell rang. Damn it was loud! Chloe rushed out of the room and about  4 minutes later came back with some ugly boy with curly blonde hair and a stupid grin. His face looked really punchable. A woman with a pink dress on and long blonde hair with pink and blue highlights walked in with her arm linked in his. The mans royal blue suit was contrasting to the woman pink dress. Wait....

"Oh... it's.. you." The woman stated, the air was tense. I sarcastically smiled. "Who are you, both of you?" I tried to sound nice. The man stepped forward and bowed. "I am Chad Charming. Chloe's Older brother and the inevitably hotter Charming.~" Chloe scoffed silently and rolled her eyes. The woman smiled and walked forward. "I'm Audrey Charming. Married to Chad and took his last name, as I am the daughter of Aurora. Better known as Sleeping Beauty's daughter." She curtsies. 

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