Chapter - 3 ~ Confessions

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This is an Important Announcement!!!

This story I decided will be in mostly just Red's POV because it's some reason easier for me T^T. I will also be putting any warnings for smut chapters by putting a Red and Blue heart in the title after the title name. Long Chapter!!


Red's POV:

I woke up in the midday. I was being held tightly down by Chloe. I sat up and woke her up. "You look so much better than from before." I told her with a sincere voice. She smiled and rubbed her eyes, "You too.~" I blushed. "Yeah... hehe..."  Chloe and I got up and got dressed, brushing our hair and getting ready. I walked by and sat on my bed, doodling in a sketchbook Maddox stole for me. Me and Madds send letters on the weekends, I had to send mine today. Maybe I can ask Chloe to do it while she's out? And have her pick up my letter from Madds? I'll ask later. 

I closed the book and set it down, putting my pencil away and walking over to Chloe. "Where you going?" I asked curiously. "I have to go run some errands. Need anything?" I thought for a moment before replying with a small no. I'll run the letter there myself. He is my dearest friend after all, and other than Chloe... probably my ONLY friend. I stood up and walked over to Chloe. I told her I'll be in Wonderland till late tonight and she nods. "Alrighty then." I pick up my letter and pack some snacks in a bag. I leave Auradon Prep for the day and start making the grudgingly long walk. I found the rabbit hole after about 3 hours of walking. When I journeyed into my homeworld, I smiled. Now to deal with my mom. I make a long walk back to the Kingdom of Hearts. 

I get let in by the guards and immediately see my mom. But she's different... "Red! My darling daughter! You've come home!" What? How come she sounded so nice?! And sincere?! What's going on? "Heyy mom?" Then... She... hugged me... Why? I saw Maddox approaching from behind with just the largest grin on his face. I let go of my mom and she smiled at the Mad Hatter's son. "Maddox! You've come to see Red! She's finally visiting!" My mom said in her new cheery voice. Madds just grinned wider and nodded. My mother then left us to catch up. Me and Maddox go to my bedroom and sit down. "Maddox Hatter, what happened to my mom?" I asked concerned. 

"I made her some tea and used a little Wonderland wonder!" He replied. "Do you like her better this way?" "Madds. She isn't a mean and controlling queen anymore?" I said. "Nope, she's a nice queen!" I smiled. Of course Maddox would do something. "Now," He started. "Tell me about this Chloe person you've sent about in the letters!" Oh shoot. I forgot I told him about her! "Chloe is my princess roommate." Maddox grinned oddly. "Maddox? What? Why are you smiling like that?"  He stood up and crossed his arms. "You're in love." I burst out laughing. Me? The Princess of Hearts? In Love? No fucking way! "Haha, very funny Madds." I said with my sarcastic yet genuine smile.

"Who said I was joking? The way you describe her in the letters just spells out 'head over heels'!!" I know Maddox is the son of THE Mad Hatter but he is acting... well... Mad! There is no way I'm 'head over heels' for Princess Charming. Maddox broke the silence, "Describe her." Oh god. "Uhm... well she's... Beautiful, charming, She had beautiful chocolate eyes and tanned skinned. She has this charismatic smile and pearly white teeth. She's busty and has bouncy blue curls. She wears a shiny blue and gold pallet. She-" Maddox cut me off. "YOU ARE IN LOVE!" OH my fucking god.... I'm in love. With a princess?! And She's my roommate?! AGH! "Fuck." All I could muster out was a single word. 

Maddox was so excited that when he asked me about confessing, I turned red and looked down. He immediately understood. He then started going over ways to confess, and what not to ever do. He was speaking to fast and writing down notes. "Get her gifts, like her favorite snack and flowers! Make sure you get her something nice and meaningful! You could write her a note or a letter of confession. Maybe you could take her to the Enchanted Lake and tell her there or take her on a picnic and bring her favorite foods. Or maybe just mix them all up and do a mixed confession with gifts on a picnic and a letter!" Maddox just went on and on and him and I brainstormed.

Chloe's POV:

I was in Cinderellasburg visiting my mother and father. Chad was out with his girlfriend Audrey having some date day. I was talking with my mom and just catching up over a cup of tea. I told her about Red and everything that happened, obviously not the domination part or the cuddling. She spoke up, "Are you in love, Chloe?" I blushed and looked at the ground, processing. Holy sh-t. I AM in love! With the Princess of Hearts?! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! "Pfft! Don't be silly mom, I'm not in love!" My mother and father shared a knowing smirk as he walked into the room. "What?! I'm not!" My dad spoke up, "And you haven't told her yet?" 

"Dad! I'm not in love okay?!" My mom and dad laughed. "I'm just friends with her." My dad laughed, "Okay then. Describe her!" I scoffed and smiled. "Okay, uhm... She has fiery curls and a sarcastic smile that could light up a room! She has this certain look in her red eyes. Her style is so cute, yet so her. She plays a mysterious bad girl attitude. She's beautiful and always gets what she wants-" My father interrupted, "Cough, Head over heels, Cough!" "DAD!!" I shouted as he laughed.  My mom smiled. "Honey, it's okay to be in love with a girl. It's just more important to tell her than keep a secret. You are good friends, correct?" "Yes, but thats-" My dad interrupted. "No. No excuses. You need to tell her." ... "Ugh, fine..."

My mom and dad smiled widely. Dad started rambling on about gifts and flowers and treats, poems, picnics, dates, etc. "Okay, so you need to buy her a gift. Like I gave your mother glass slippers! And then you should buy her her favorite flowers and make sure to get her her favorite treats. Maybe take her to a beautiful rose garden or lake and have a picnic! Gift her a poem and make her smile!" I smiled a blushing mess. "DAAAD!" "What?," He smiled, "Just telling the truth!" My mom sighed happily. "Honey, just make sure your both happy." I smiled and nodded. "I have to go now. I'll visit you again soon!" 

After bidding my parents goodbye, I rode a carriage back to Auradon and went around buying Red some gifts. I made sure to get everything she could like before returning home and hiding everything in my closet. I then sat down and read a book. Awaiting for Red's return. 

Red's POV: 

I returned to Auradon around 1 AM do to the long walk. I saw that Chloe Charming was still awake and reading a book. I smiled. "Hey princess, waiting for me now?~" She smiled smugly. "Maybe~" I blushed when I saw her charismatic smile. The same old pearly grin I explained to Maddox. "How'd Wonderland Go?" Hmm... "Maddox potioned my mom so now she's nice. Uhm..." I blushed thinking about the part where I realized I was in love with the Charming Princess. "How was visiting your mom?" I saw that Chloe's face was a tomato. "Uh.. oh we just talked about school."

I took a deep breath. Chloe did too. "CHLOECHARMINGIREALLYREALLYLIKEYOUANDIWASWONDERINGIFYOU'DLIKETOBEMYGIRLFRIEND!!" I looked at Chloe and she was confused. I was burning hot red and she chuckled. "Slowly, please?" I took another deep breath. "Chloe Charming, I really like you and I was wondering if you'd like to be my girlfriend?" I braced myself for the worst. She's disgusted and hates me now. I hear a chuckle. I looked up and saw her red and smiling. "Red of Hearts. I'd love to!~" Shock and Joy and Pure Serotonin hit me all at once. I ran up to her and hugged her tightly. Tears were shed.

Chloe yawned and set all of the gifts she had bought on my bed. I smiled and hugged her again. I laid down on her bed and cuddled with her. I hummed and played with her bouncy blue  curls as she listened to my heart beat. I pulled the covers over us as she drifted off. I lay my eyes shut contently. I have a girlfriend now. I slowly drifted off to sleep with my princess. Tomorrow will be Sunday. But for now, we rest. 

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