Chapter - 2 ~ An Apology For A Glass Heart

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Red's POV:

I have been avoiding Chloe Charming for a couple of weeks now and it's all because I have overreacted. I hit her first after all. She just reminded me of my mother. Before I was sent to this hell of a school, I was joking around and she said "You're such a disappointment." I guess it hasn't been different but... I guess it just clicked. When Chloe hit me like that, she made the same emotionless face as my mom. God, I didn't know Chloe could make that face. Or be so assertive and dominant... It's the middle of October right now and I'm just sitting in the Dorms. I have been feeling a certain pain in my chest everytime I think  of Chloe.


Shit... Chloe entered with puffy eyes and tired eye bags. I expected her to say something, but she just ignored me. Not even looking my way, she just went and sat on her bed. She's reading? I snuck over to her and waited. She shook for a hot minute, but then ignored it. Why? I know... "Princess?" reply... "Charming?" I asked with a little more hope in my voice. She still didn't respond! "Chloe?" I saw her tense up. I think she's listening now. "Chloe, Look at me." "..." "Chloe, Look at me please!" She didn't move. I moved in front of her and looked her in the eyes, but she avoided my gaze like children avoid angry parents. I grabbed her by the jaw and gently, and guided her eyes to mine. Tears fell from her beautiful bloodshot brown eyes. I wiped the tear away and gently smiled genuinely. 

"That's a good girl~..." Chloe blushed. She tried to snap, but her voice broke. "Red, just go away." I wasn't going to listen. I wasn't going to run anymore. I badly hurt her enough. "Chloe, listen to me. I know I fucked up badly by avoiding you for so long, but I'm here to apologize. I'm not gonna run from you anymore and I'll listen. You have no right to apologize because I hit you first and overreacted. I'm sorry I ignored you. I need you. Please.~" I said in my sweetest and most genuine voice. "Quit lying Red. It's the one thing you're not good at." I was fed up. "Chloe Charming. I am apologizing and I know I am bad at doing both but you can fucking suck it up because I told you I'm not leaving!" 

"Red, what are you doing?! Get off of my bed!" Chloe shouted at me. I was pissed. I sat on her bed and crossed my arms. "RED!" I stayed silent. She wiped the tears from her eyes as she stood up to leave. I snapped and pulled her back down and into my arms. "Red Hearts! Let me go!" "Like hell." She seemed to shut up after that. She stayed tense. I took some of her beautiful blue curls and played with them. She was relaxing and calmed down. "Relax, princess. I'm not laving and I'm going to make it up to you in any way possible.~"

I felt her smile at the usual nickname. I'm glad I made her happy again. Now for the important question. "Chloe?" "Hmm?" She replied lazily. "How much sleep have you been getting?" ... "I have been staying up a lot... I just wanted to talk to you but you never stayed..." Wet tears fell on my neck. I pulled away and sat on her bed, resting against the headboard and dozen of blue pillows. I saw she was a little hesitant. I pulled her close and she buried her face in the crook of my neck again. "Can you get some more sleep tonight?" I questioned. 

"You have to sleep with me."

The words replayed in my mind as my body grew red and hot. "P-princess? Are you sure?" Chloe then sat up and whispered in my ear with a stern and deep voice. "You ignored me for weeks, you are going to pay the price and help me get to sleep tonight. You promised in any way, to make it up to me, Princess~" I grew redder and nodded. How could a goody goody like Chloe Charming be so fucking hot and dominant?! She gets on my nerves like this. Damn it. 'Fuck you're so hot when you speak like that...' I saw Chloe's face turn dead ass red and she was bewildered. In utter pure shock. 

"I said that out loud, didn't I?" Chloe laughed and nodded. She whispered low and seductively. "You like me being dominant?~" "OH MY GOD! You better let it go Princess!" Chloe laughed, smirking. "Like hell.~" AAAAGGGGHHHH She's so fucking hot!!!! All I could do was blush and shove her face into my chest. "Ifyoudon'twanttoletthatgothenI'llneverletyougo!!" Chloe came up and smirked, "What was that Rose?~" "If. You. Don't. Let. That. Go. Then. I'll. Never. Let. You. Go." Chloe chuckled and sighed contently. "Fine, fine, you win.~" "Good! Now let's get to bed, it's getting late." Chloe whined. "You have to stay in bed with me!" I groaned playfully. "Fine, princess~" Chloe laid down on my chest and listened to my heartbeat. Tomorrow was the weekend so she could catch up on her sleep since the Fencing team had no practices and we had no school work. I played with her long blue curls as I hummed her to sleep, eventually drifting off too.

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