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They received a knock at the door, and Dino and Vernon peeked in. "Yah, you two! Mingyu hyung is calling us. Let’s go!" Dino announced.

"Hold on," Seungkwan said, exchanging a quick look with Miu before turning back to Dino and Vernon. "We’ve got a plan."

Intrigued, Dino and Vernon leaned in as Seungkwan quickly filled them in. After a few nods and grins, they all agreed to go along with it.As they walked to Mingyu’s room, they found everyone already seated, the food spread out, and the atmosphere buzzing with chatter. They joined in, grabbing plates and diving into the food. Despite the lively mood, Miu couldn’t help but notice that a few members were still upset with her.

Jeonghan, Joshua, and The8 were keeping their distance, their expressions cool as they subtly ignored her. Meanwhile, Jun, Woozi, and Wonwoo hovered around her, showing more care and concern than usual, making sure she was okay.

On the other side of the room, Hoshi, DK, Seungkwan, and Dino were cracking jokes, trying to lighten the mood. They succeeded in getting a few laughs, but Miu and Vernon exchanged glances, silently judging their existence as they rolled their eyes at the boys’ ridiculousness. Despite the mixed reactions, Miu felt a bit more at ease with the support from some of her members, even as she mentally prepared to face the ones still upset with her.

After an hour, Miu excused herself from the gathering, saying she was tired. Seungkwan quickly followed suit, adding that he was also heading to bed. They both exchanged subtle nods with Vernon and Dino before slipping out of Mingyu’s room.They made their way directly to Jeonghan’s room. Miu swiftly entered the passcode she already knew, thanks to the manager sending out the room codes in their group chat. As soon as they were inside, Miu made a beeline for Jeonghan’s snack stash while Seungkwan kept a watchful eye on Mingyu’s room door.

Meanwhile, back in Mingyu’s room, Jeonghan stood up, ready to leave. Sensing the perfect timing, Dino intercepted him, grabbing his arm playfully. “Hyunggg, let’s stay for a bit longer!” Dino urged.

Jeonghan shook his head, stifling a yawn. “I’m sleepy, Dino ah. I need to rest.”
Just as Jeonghan was about to make his way to the door, Vernon quickly stepped in front of him, blocking his path. "Hyung, wait!" Vernon said with a sudden sense of urgency.

Jeonghan raised an eyebrow, clearly skeptical. "What is it, Vernon-ah?"

Vernon hesitated for a split second, then blurted out, "I, uh, need your advice on something. It’s important." Jeonghan crossed his arms, curious. "Advice? Now?"

"Yeah, it’s about this… um, song idea I have," Vernon improvised. "I’ve been working on it, and I really need your input before I forget it. You know how my memory is," he added with a sheepish grin. , still a bit suspicious, looked at Vernon and said, "Vernon-ah, if you need advice on a song, you should ask Woozi. He's our producer; he can give you a better opinion than I can."

Jeonghan finally relented, giving Vernon a pat on the back. "Now, I’m going to get some sleep. You all should too."

With that, Jeonghan headed for the door, finally leaving the room. Vernon and Dino exchanged relieved glances as they watched him go.

Jeonghan exited the room, still a bit suspicious but too tired to press further. As soon as he stepped out, Dino, with his signature enthusiasm, dashed towards him and wrapped him in a tight hug. "Hyunggggggg!" Dino exclaimed, clinging to him.

Jeonghan, momentarily surprised, turned to Dino, trying to figure out what was going on. Meanwhile, Seungkwan, seeing their chance, started jumping up and down, whispering urgently, "Miu, faster!"

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