time sped on

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Penelope mom, why does Judah have to follow us
Cara smiled Judah he is there for you and your brother
Penelope, yeah, but the others in my class say he is a well-paid rat. That's why I have no friends
Cara, you're sharing the same classes as your brother hang out with him their silliness will stop. Don't give them what they want
Penelope, what I'm supposed to let those idiots treat me like a damn door mat no that will not happen
Cara, we had this discussion before until you learned to control what's in you, no fighting

Oliver is allowed
Osiris, enough Penelope, finish your food and get ready to leave.
Oliver, they want you to be an obedient little girl
he went to ruffle her hair. Penelope was in no mood she levitated
Oliver holds him still
then unceremoniously dropping him on the floor
obedient, my ass .

terrifying images into mind. Penelope learns when picking your battles ass hole
Oliver was going to tell him he saw a look in her eyes that scared him he back off.
Callaway, I may be overstepping here
but she should have the same rules as her brother. The only difference between them is gender. Just think about it
I just don't want anyone getting hurt
Callaway, you can't protect them from every evil around she is obviously no obedient princess. Well, time to take them to school

Osiris was standing in the pantry, thank man
I only installed the thought. The rest is up to her.

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