Grand Court

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all the Grand Counsil
has made a decision
in the case Eden North vs. the government laws
I'm Stephen, a long judge of this council
to my is our government judge Samantha Stewart
and high consil for the the north coven
Mave Blue

Samantha, so things do not get stalled ounce again by Coven cousil
Vladimir has offered his services
Vladimir now, so their are no mistakes or misunderstandings here. I'm here to put fire underneath your asses. Now, you may continue
Mave the nerve he dare speak here
Vladimir, watch your tongue or lose it
Stephen um okay let's
get this started
Samantha, the first time we expelled Eden Oden, forgot to have her powers stripped. Now we know why that happened
Mave and why might that be
Samantha simply put he was old and forgetful
Mave, as I said before, that would be double jeopardy
Stephen, it would if this were some mortals murder case, but it clearly is not
so here are the choices expelling Eden along with the stripping of her powers or Vladimir ends her we all know he will make it hurt so mave think carefully
Mave no, our coven is non-violent.
Stephen, my ass
Vladimir, that's enough, he went back to the cells and ended the life of Eden North with a blade through her heart
I told those fools I had little patience fit their shit.

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