Eden's crimes

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flash back

Eden raise for the counsil your crimes in this realm should have been enough to have hung by your neck but we to must go the laws of your coven so it was declared you are to be removed from this realm and moved to mortal there you will live out the remainders of your life as a mortal
Eden, what is wrong in wanting a child
counsil in itself nothing your crimes were who went about it now your paying for your crimes
Eden, for how long
counsil you obviously only hear what you chose to selective deafness you're done here we can't physically end you, but we can expell you
this case is now closed

Eden, that day was humiliating. I was toss out like garbage. Luckily, for me, that idiot counsil forgotten one vital part my energy powers
he never ordered them stripped. I came back to take what is mine and ruin those responsible.

Vladimir poor litte Eden had you found a willing, unmarried man you would've had the child you chose to commit the most vile acts oh this time around your deal with our laws kiss your ass good bye
Vladimir left Eden screaming like banshee, the steel cell doors slamming shut behind him

it's Angel's fault that bitch
Darrius did you hear that slut
Angel yes and she is about learn some crimes are unforgettable as well unforgivable
Osiris knew but never said a word
Darrius she was his mother but he never saw her in that light you Angel were alway his mother.
our family is filled with drama.

the one to suffer
will be the one nobody suspects

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