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I thought I was hallucinating my mom
Osiris, come in. Where is your family
Osiris, I just came by to check on dad
he is in the living room, so you're with my dad
Rae, we met a long time ago. You're the one who
Rae, a lady, never reveals her secrets. How is your sister? I haven't seen her around
Osiris, it's not my story to tell you. Could you ask dad he was part of the reason
Rae, so you people are still pulling the vanishing act instead of talking
Osiris well your not the first to say that to me, Roselyn, mention it as well
Rae, well, she is a bright young woman perfect for you
Osiris, I'm gonna go talk with my dad

the vanhousen family
mainly the men hate
facing their mistakes
and confrontation they run rather than face it.

Eden you must be Cara you look just like that whore
Cara you need to watch your tongue or lose it and why are you here
Osiris cuts Eden off
Cara I don't know or remember this person so kidly leave my house.
Osiris why the fuck did you have come here you know where I live
Eden you weren't there some slut with a child answered the door get out now before you get hurt.
Eden please boy you wouldn't dare hurt me
Cara, I would now leave !she finally left
Cara who was that bitch you invited in my house and don't fucking lie to me.
Osiris sat down, rubbing his forehead like an old man
Cara, if I find on my own, it won't be nice for my twin. Think about that.
I'll be fixing dinner
call your wife over
Osiris, what why
Cara, what's wrong with you why because it's Friday
Osiris, oh shit right I'll call her now.
Cara observed her brother she knew whatever it was about that woman he had no intentions of telling her a damn thing.
help me set the table, please
Osiris put his phone in his pocket and

started placing fork and stuff out
Cara put juice and water out the doorbell rang
Cara, check before you open
I'm not a child
could've fooled me

Osiris let his wife and kids know
Cara, this gonna be one long ass dinner.

some serious mind games were being played. Osiris saw Rae, who wasn't who she appeared to be
remember the supernatural world
rules are bent or broken every day.

Cara, who are these people? Really, I've never met them before
and where am I this place is just filthy

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