why must beauty be so painfull

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Roselyn hurry the fuck up
Cara  I have a question why must Beauty be so damn painfully
Roselyn we are going out to have fun maybe
find you a man
Cara if I were looking for a Osiris club would not be on the top of
list now let's go before I back to my room. I hate these death traps

Roselyn, those are the redbottom shoes you like six pairs. Can I borrow these
Cara, keep them. I've told Osiris I don't like death traps
Roselyn, he buys you these
Cara and the ones you're holding  never worn
both women
came downstairs, wait
Cara what
Osiris, did you plan on feeding the twins
Roselyn, he will he isn't that stupid or lazy
Cara Osiris seems to be in mood why don't we reschedule this for another time
Roselyn he made the kids he can care for them they aren't toddlers
Cara, this is the worst idea. I know how mean he can get, especially if he is forced to do anything
.Roselyn, he needs a damn therapist
I'm going back to you two. Work your shit out and keep the noise down.

Cara, I saw trouble, and I just didn't want to contribute by taking going with Roselyn to some damn nightclub that would only make things worse for them.

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