9 long month's later

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Roselyn wake up
I'm fucking tired go back to sleep
Roselyn I would if the baby was trying push itself out
Osiris shit I'll get your go bag
Roselyn relax I put it in the car already
just get me the hospital now
ahhh stop pushing
Osiris I'm not
Roselyn just get in fuking car and drive

5:57 am ahhhh gsee can't no more your killing me

7:06 am the nurse comes out of the delivery room
we had to do a c section Roselyn cradle was go small
Osiris was tired cradle?
nurse the hip bones couldn't spread
Osiris can I see them
nurse they are rest now come back in the morning you look like you could use some sleep yourself
Osiris the go bag make sure she gets it please
nurse no problem
I watch the nurse bring the go bag I lucky my stayed opened long enough to get home
I kicked off my shoes
and hit the couch I to tired even bother with stair

wake up it's 1:00 pm go. shower you stink
have you seen the baby yet
Cara oh yes I've seen them
Cara my word have yet to make it but they will

twins a boy and a girl Osiris you poor man.

Cara move it, take a shower. I purchased some extra clothes and baby needs you're a lucky man now hurry up.

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