oh no

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it was 5:35in the morning I was awakened by Osiris Eden's argument normally I could careless about the dumb arguments but this was one of those arguments I definitely was not ment hearthe closer I moved to the sitting the more I heard clearly

Eden, if she finds out the truth, she will never forgive you

it was silent for a few seconds
Osiris even if doesn't forgive me she still has the right to the fucking truth
Rod have you met a wrathful Angel I have it was not much fun
Osiris you were being dick to not only Angel but me as well besides you lived
this is a fools idea
Osiris I Angel's real birth record the one
with her biological mother's name give one good reason not tell
Eden because he with me
Osiris with you ?
Eden we were married
Angel's mother gave birth to her on the same only a few minutes after you
Osiris a lot kids are born with minutes of each other
Rod do you remember a woman who come here
wren is she like my cousin or aunt
Rod Wren is Eden's sister
Osiris what that is just wrong on so many levels
Rod I weak
Osiris more like horny or stupid

Eden either she is not to know

they just made a very
serious choice here about me I will forgive Osiris he had no parts in this but
Eden and my father

the next morning
Osiris breakfast is on the table
Angel what was that argument about
Osiris gulps um not sure
Angel your terrible liar but whatever
I walk right past him
the two main culprits in this shit lie
Rod hadn't noticed Angel had sat down
neither did Eden

Osiris sat down duration a really interesting conversation about me
I finally made my presence known in a not so pleasant way
levitating coffee cup filled with hot liquid I sent flying at my fathers head
Itilted my head and simply said I hate liars and went about picking my breakfast
Osiris has always found humor at worst time he couldn't stop laughing.
Osiris, Dad, seem you're the one you worried about
Rod, shut finish your damn food
Eden, well, Osiris was right
Osiris was laughing so hard it was contagious I began laughing the. Eden
dad stormed upstairs to his room like a child.

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