Chapter 12

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Olivia remained cuddled up to Tom for the rest of the night, Alice and Amy occasionally getting up to make iced coffees for the group. She sipped her iced coffee as he rubbed her hip and played Mario cart with Alice. Amy scrolled through her phone, her knee up to her chest as she gripped a glass. "Alice?" Alice paused the game and looked over at Amy. "What's up?" Amy smiled. "Can you pass me a controller?" Alice threw her the controller and Amy caught it, diving to make sure it didn't fall into the fish tank. "And this is why you two are goal keepers." Olivia stated.

Tom left early the next morning as Olivia was leaving at 10 o'clock and if he'd been seen, she wouldn't be able to go to sleepovers anymore.

Her parents arrived and she went home. She called Tom in the car, putting her headphones on and being very careful not to mention anything about the night before. In fact, she'd made up her mind that she would text him about that later. She didn't want him to think that she didn't enjoy it. She also didn't want him to feel bad about being a teenage boy with emotions and hormones. She was pleased that Tom felt that way about her, the way she'd been feeling about him for months. And it had been months. She'd had a crush on him since the first day they met. She was just too scared to do anything about it and left it to fate.

Later that evening

Hey. She texted him, Wyd? Waiting anxiously for his reply, she paced around her bedroom. She needed him to reply. But in all honesty, she needed him. He was the love of her life and she'd tried so hard. She'd made herself perfect for him and she had nearly asked him out so many times. It was like no one would leave them alone whenever she tried or, when she did get the chance, she'd be called away to do something meaningless and pointless.

In some ways, she was glad he'd asked her out but she also had wanted to be the one to ignite the fire that now blazed in their relationship. Her parents had told her that if it was meant to be it would happen and that she shouldn't ask him out, if he wanted her, he would come to her. But she'd caught him staring so many times. So many times it was hard to count. When you love someone that much it always is.

She gave up waiting for his reply, knowing that he was probably busy and not wanting to disturb him. I mean, sure, he was her boyfriend but she didn't want to be one of those clingy girlfriends who has a literal tracker on him. She left her bedroom and walked into the bathroom at the end of the hall. She started running the taps and poured in some of her favourite bath soak.

Checking the water was just the right temperature, she stepped into the bath and laid down, letting her hair float around her head like a mermaid in the stories her mother read her when she was little.

She glancing around at the walls every so often, taking in every little detail and thinking about how wonderful it would be if she knew that Tom was just down the stairs, waiting for her. She imagined herself, 16 years old and beautiful, coming down the stairs after her shower, her parents away for the weekend and her body clad only in a towel. She would've already blow-dried her hair and brushed it. It would be soft and as she sat on his lap on the couch, he would play with it, stroking her face and her hair. His touch would be soft and gentle. He wouldn't rush, just gentle caresses.

Then he would bring his lips down to her and press a soft kiss of her lips. It would eventually become a little more heated, only slightly. He would gently pull away, gazing into her eyes as she blushed.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26 ⏰

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