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This time, when Arina woke up there was no lush bed, no comfort and no handsome KOREAN man waiting for her. Instead, she found herself inside a blue tent. As her eyes adjusted to the dim light, she spotted a familiar face sitting by her side.

"Justeat?!" exclaimed Arina, happy to see her friend again.

"Good morning Arina! You must have hit your head when you passed out cause you've been asleep for a whole day!" barked Justeat, cheerful as ever. "Come, the rest are waiting outside, we've been so worried".

Justeat led Arina outside the tent, where all her friends were waiting for her. That's when she noticed there was something a bit peculiar about each of them. First, Justeat, who had always looked kinda doggish, now had actual dog ears sticking out of his fluffy hair and an even fluffier tail coming out of his backside, his shirt had been shredded like a werewolf's would be, but he wasn't ripped or bigger or anything, so it was kind of disappointing.

Next to him was Martha, who was now even more petit than she had ever been, in fact, she was an ant! Arina had to squint to see her tiny friend, who waved up at her with one of her six legs. Martha's voice, as petite as an ant, piped up, "Glad to see you're awake, Arina!"

Then there was Fairy, who had pale green wings on her back and smelled of soap. Something about her told Arina that she could wash plates with a brilliant clean and shine two times faster than normal, and not because she was a woman. Fairy fluttered her wings and smiled warmly, a twinkle following her around as usual. "It's so good to see you, Arina. We've missed you."

But the one with the most obvious change was, by far, Windows. The previously stiff girl now had a metallic look to her. She had a sexy robot body with 4 meter long hips and knockers that expanded 5 meters each. Now Arina understood why she had always been a bit robotic, Windows was a sentient computer program with a banging body. "Arina," Windows said, her voice still slightly robotic but now with a more expressive tone "we're glad you're safe."

Arina was astounded by the transformations of her friends. She wondered what had happened during the time she had been with BTS and their bizarre adventures with Jojo Siwa. Justeat's tail wagged happily as he approached her, his eyes full of concern and curiosity.

"Arina, you've been through a lot, haven't you?" he asked, his canine ears twitching.

Arina nodded, still trying to process everything. "I have. But seeing you all like this... what happened?"

"We've always been like this; you just couldn't see it because you weren't aware of the supernatural world before" Fairy explained, "After you went missing we tried to look for you at your house but all we found was your foster mom dead from an overdose and 46 cents sitting on the table" Windows said.

Martha, in her tiny ant body, climbed up onto a nearby rock. "We've been trying to find you ever since, Arina. We didn't expect to run into you in the middle of the forest!"

Arina took a deep breath, feeling a wave of relief wash over her. Despite their strange new appearances, they were still her friends. "I'm so glad you found me. There's so much to tell you all. We need to figure out how to stop Jojo Siwa and Kookjung from taking BTS's voices and my blood!" Marina spoke ambitiously, desperate to help the man she possibly loves and his male KOREAN friends.

"I know someone who could help us find our way to BTS.He's the alpha and leader of my pack and he's a very good tracker. He's the one we always trust" Justeat wagged his tail excitedly "Besides, the more KOREANS I meet the closer I could be to finding my omega!!"

"Your... what?" asked Arina, confused.

"Uh. Nothing nevermind. This way!" Justeat exclaimed. Martha the ant hopped on to Fairy's shoulder as Justeat lead the group of friends through the forest.

As they set off, Arina couldn't help but wonder about Jungkook and the connection she felt with him. She hoped he was safe and that they could reunite soon. With a determined heart and wet underwear, Arina and her friends ventured deeper into the forest, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

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