Part 9

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A/N: I am convinced y'all are bots Wattpad put out here so I don't kms, so if ur real pls comment lol

Five's POV

I woke up to see y/n on her phone in a chair beside me.

"You don't look very comfortable" I say, commenting on the way she is sitting.

"Probably more comfortable than shrapnel in my stomach." She replies without even looking up. 

"What time is it?" I ask, I wonder how much time I've lost. The clock is ticking and this was really not the time to be injured.

"1AM" She replies, still scrolling.

"Come lay here, you need sleep." I say, and she finally looks up.

"It's fine."

"No, it's not. you need sleep if we are going to save the world. And I have a feeling you aren't going home so come over here." I scoot over and pat the bed beside me.

"Five--" She begins to protest but I don't think her heart is really in it.

"It's not like it's the first time we've shared a bed."

"ok" she gets up and I realize she is still in her suit from the commission.

"Do you want some other clothes?" I ask as she takes her coat off.

"Why would I want that? The blood stains add to the aesthetic." She replies dryly and I point to my dresser, where 3 other pin-striped, Academy-issued, pajama sets are.

She opens the door and laughs lightly, "Colorful wardrobe you got here." She begins unbuttoning her top and then she turns to look at me, "perv" she laughs and I just grin.

"turn around!"

"alright." I cover my eyes for show and roll over.

She walks back over in one of the tops and a pair of my boxers as pj shorts, and lay down on my bed. I would be lying if I said it wasn't a nice sight.

"Why are you here, y/n?" I ask finally, sitting up in the dark.

"Didn't think it was right to leave you so vulnerable, especially after pissing off the commission like that."

"You care." I point out like it's a dramatic revelation. "The Ice Queen is in love?"

"Oh shut up."

"make me." I say, and her lips smash into mine. I did not think that would work. I grin into the smile like an idiot and her lips part just long enough for me to slide my tongue in.

Warning: SMUT-- SKIP TO THE END IF YOU DON'T WANT TO READ... more importantly skip if u know me bc otherwise I may have to kms

She moves onto my lap, in what is now a familiar position as she is still careful not to mess with the bandages on my stomach.

I move my hands to her waist as she begins to grind on me. I release her lips and move down to her neck, leaving hickeys on her collar bone and I can feel her beating on me.

She moves her hands from around my neck to my hands, as she guides them below her shirt. I stop what I am doing to look her in the eye for consent but she pulls me into another kiss without a word.

Carefully, I pull the borrowed shirt over her head, admiring the view.

y/n's POV

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