Part 8 (Edited)

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A/N: So I literally just searched "this is not ideal" bc I had no songs in mind and that is the current mood about this chapter--- and I found this song that had zero likes, but low-key slaps? uhmmm... my computer has to be glitching, but if not send them some love if u like the song.

Five's POV

We landed on Wednesday. At 8:15 a.m. Three days before the Apocalypse. 

"you guys? Am I still high or do you guys see them too?" Klaus asks and I see y/n's anger at me melt away at his voice, as tears well in her eyes and I help her stand up. She limps over to give him a hug, and then Diego one too.

"I saw you two days ago- wha--" Diego starts

"Shut up and take the hug." She says

"five, where have you been?" luther asks

"are you guys all right?"

"who did this?"

"irrelevant. The apocalypse is in 3 days. The only chance we have to save our world is, well, us."

"The Umbrella Academy" luther says as if it's some Divine inspiration

"Yeah," I reply flatly, he still believes way too much of Dad's Kool-Aid, " but with me obviously."

" hey I'm here to.." Y/n comments

"--and y/n" I add and she gives me a weak satisfied smile. I have more faith in her than the rest of these idiots. "so if y'all don't get your Sideshow acts together and get over yourselves, we're screwed."

Y/n moves to lay on the couch as I continue addressing my siblings, tuning me out until I present my new lead harold Jenkins.


We all disperse after they all harass my judgement about said new lead and I explain everything... well the cliffnotes version. 

y/n, much to my dismay, stays back with Klaus while we go to get the file. I hope they catch up but if Diego keeps harassing me about what happened while y/n and I were gone I am going to snap.



"y/n i need you to tie me up." Klaus throws me a blue rope


"you know, last time I was sober was that roaring good time when those freaks had me tied up in the motel room." My heart sinks as I see him bounce up and down anxiously.

"there's better ways to get clean, man"

" not for me they're aren't"

" okay.. Yeah sure" the silence is heavy, as I follow him to a room and begin to wrap him in rope. He eventually breaks the silence, telling me about his trip to the '70s and about Dave... I feel so bad that he had to go through all of that alone, but a fucked-up part of me feels less guilty knowing I went through things too. Things I'm not sure he would understand.

"that's it, tighter and higher"

"fine.. But if I see a boner-- I'm out." I say and he laughs.

"speaking of which, how are things with fivey?"

"I don't know, a lot has happened since I saw you last."

"do tell"

"we kissed, and I do like him. but nothing else has happened."

"well it's the end of the fucking word so you might as well make your move." I think about it for a moment and then change the subject, causing him to grin at me.

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