Chapter 6

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205 days. 205 days of both hell and heaven. 

6 months and a few days. That's how long we've been dating already. It's literally cruel how fast time flies.

We started talking when we were both barely 16. Now we're 18, and a lot has happened since then. We went through bad fights, really bad arguments, shutting each other out, deleting each other everywhere, trying to forget one another.

But also, we always keep finding our ways back to each other somehow.

Don't know what it is, really. The love? The determination to be together and to prove everybody wrong? To prove that we belong together? That must be it.

The imagination and determination you have when you really, really want something is actually insane.

The dreams I dream at night about him, the way I daydream about him and i while being at school and work, it's insane.

Even when we're not able to text for a few days or even weeks, we always just click instantly. As if neither of us had disappeared. It's like we just keep talking and talking with no interruptions whatsoever. That's what it feels like.

Him and I just always find a way to go back to each other.

He's almost like the male version of me. We're soulmates, and we love each other more than we both can express. I can't explain and express all the love I feel. It's impossible. I make sure that he knows that and receives my love in any way possible every time we text.

The way we're both so determined to meet each other one day is insane. I keep imagining what it would be like. And most of the time, that hurts. It hurts because I know that I can't meet him right now. I can't hug him, or kiss him, or hold hands. I can't be with him that easily. But I promised myself, and more importantly him, that I'll meet him.

No matter how long or what it takes. <3

Until then, we just need to keep our spark and don't lose hope, don't stop imagining, don't stop daydreaming about it, and don't stop talking about it. Because if you really want something, you gotta fight for it.

And that's what we're doing. Fighting for each other. I'll never stop fighting for him. Because we deserve our happy end. Together. Just like we're supposed to.

I can't wait for the day, when blue meets brown.

As long as it takes. <3


Another one doneee!

Kinda a random one, I know! But let's be honest, which one isn't in this story, right? :))

As usual, excuse any language or grammar issues, I tried my best! :>

See you soon! xx


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28 ⏰

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