Chapter 6

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~~Annabel's pov~~

I cry out in pain as I try to sit down on my bed but feel pain. My whole body is beat up, and it's hard to sit down or walk with out feeling some kind of pain. "See Annabel, "Brents voice comes behind me, "you wouldnt have to suffer from this pain if you would of just listened to me and not try to run away." I gulp as he comes in front of me, smiling and holding a first aid kit.

"I miss my dad." I speak softly. He smiles as he opens the first aid kit and pulls out a wet tissue, cleaning my nose causing the blood to wipe away. He went down to my lips, cleaning them and then throwing the tissue away.

"Annabel lay down so I can clean your cuts and put ice packs on your bruises. "I slowly nod but when I move my back where I was kicked, I cry out in pain. Brent puts the kit down and carefully picks me up, gently laying me on the bed. Brent begins to lay ice packs on my arms and the cold releases the pain. "Here if it hurts then instead of screaming squeeze my hand. "Brent gives me his hand and when he starts to bathe my cuts I whimper, squeezing his hand hard.

"I still don't understand why you beat me up, then you take care of me. "I say and he sighs, glancing over at me and smiles.

"I need you alive, Annabel but if you do something really bad or you just make me mad you'll get punished. We take care of you until we have the plan set perfectly and its time for Ray to pay. "I sigh as he covers my scratches. He stands up and looks over making sure that he got all my scratches and brusies. He looks at his phone and takes a few pictures like he did last time.

Then he puts his phone in his pocket and glances over at me. "Okay Annabel your all set and ready to go to sleep." I sit up a little to look at my legs and he places a hand under my chin, his four finger tips barely touching my neck, and his thumb runs down my cheek, slowly as he adds. "Now don't try to run away this time, because I'll be able to hear your crys in pain. Plus there's locks on all windows and the front door. My guards and I have the combination so there's no way of getting out. "

He smiles slowly taking his hand back and his fingers rub against the bottom of my chin. After he covers me with the blanket and puts a few pillows behind me, he whispers.

"We won't kill you but we will hurt you enough for you to feel pain. "

~~Kellys pov~~

Ray and I stare into each others eyes, sitting on the half circle couch. Ray sticks his tongue out and I try not to laugh. I poke his face and he growls playfully and I laugh, closing my eyes.

 "Ah! You blinked Kelly. " Ray laughs and I roll my eyes. "So are you up for another staring challenge?" We look into each others eyes, again and after a minute flashing lights and beeping start to happen. I groan but ended up closing my eyes and Ray playfully punches me in my arm, causing me to blush. I look away from him, hoping he didnt see that thankfully he didn't.

"What?" Ray asked Gooch when he got pulled up on the screen. "Kelly and I were busy doing something. "I look over at Ray and get up coming behind Ray and patting him on the back.

"Brooke is here, like in Brooklyn Hayes." Ray freezes, eyes locked on the screen and I look over at him putting my hand in front of his face and move it up and down. After a while Ray finally comes back to life and shakes his head. "Brooke says she can help you find Annabel since Brent is her step brother." Ray's eyes widened and nods.

"Send her down here." Ray replies before taking Gooch off the screen and I cross my arms. Ray looks at me and has a confused face. "What do you want to take on the master again?"

"Who's Brooke?" I ask and Ray sighs sitting down on the couch but I dont move. Ray pats the seat next to him but I still dont move and he rolls his eyes.

"Brooke is kind of a old high school friend." Ray looks the other way and before I could start yelling at him we hear the elevator door open. Standing there is a girl with long blonde hair, blue eyes, and a smile that makes me already not like her, a blue long sleeve shirt, black shorts, and white shoes.

"Ray!" Brooke yells happily as she runs over to Ray and jumps on the couch, giving him a hug. "It's been forever since the last time I saw you. " Ray laughs and hugs her back. I frown and cross my arms, giving Brooke a ugly look when her eyes met mine.

"Who is that?" Brooke asked looking into his eyes which caused my insides to boil.

"That's Kelly my friend." Ray replies and she nods. "Anyway, time to get to business." He gets up off the couch and Brooke follows Ray and I to the desk. "How exactly can you help?"

"I know where Brent might be hiding Annabel he left some paper work back at my place-" Brooke starts but I cut her off.

"Why didn't you bring them with you?" I ask crossing my arms again and she glares at me, moving her hands in the air while she continues.

"I was getting to that part if you wouldn't of rudely cut me off. "Brooke starts as Ray pats me on the back. "Anyway I didn't bring them because I didn't want them to get taken or wet. My house is locked so Brent can't get in cause I kind of thrown him out forever. "She smiles, showing her pearly white teeth and Ray laughs throwing his head back.

"I like how you just smiled like that after saying that. "Ray laughs, wiping the tears off his face from laughing so hard.

I've never made him laugh like that before. . .

"So," I say dragging the word out, "should we start heading to Brooke's house and look at the paper work? "I add and Ray nods, walking over to the elevator and Brooke quickly runs behind him as I make my way to the elevator. When Ray presses the button and it shoots up, Brooke immediately wraps her arms around him and shouting.

I was already use to this elevator because I've gone it like five hundred times. But when Brooke grabbed on to Ray I could feel myself getting angry. My insides boiling and my hands forming into a fist, wanting to just grab Brooke and punch her in the face for hugging Ray.

Oh my gosh! What is wrong with me.

I frowned when Ray didn't do anything about it, in fact he was smiling at her when he looked down. When the elevator finally stopped Brooke let go of Ray and we walked out. We got into Ray's car and Brooke had to sit in the back, I sat in the passenger seat.

"Nice car Ray. "Brooke said and he nodded.

"I had to get it after mine blew up, "Ray explains, "on the cliff that night. "I hear Ray inhale air as he turns a corner, and after fifteen minutes we finally got to her house. She unlocks the door and Ray closes his eyes and grips my hand when he eyes land on a picture of Brent, hanging on the wall.

"Sorry, Brent decorated this place and I haven't really had the time to redecorate. "Brooke walks to the kitchen as I look at Ray, who was staring at a picture of Annabel on his phone. I slowly peek my head over the screen and push the home button, causing the picture to swipe off the screen.

Ray looks at me and sighs. "You don't have to worry Ray, we can find her we just haven't been looking in the right places. "I whisper and he nods. I was about to hug Ray and try to comfort him but Brooke came back in the room.

"I can't find the papers. "She speaks and I roll my eyes. "But I did put a tracking device on Brent. I knew something like this would happen so I was prepared. "

No you didn't stop lying, Brooke.

"Well can we track him down?" I asked and she nods.

"We just have to go back to the lair because I need better technology to plug my phone and find him."

Ray wraps his arm around my waist and I look up at him, meeting his eyes and he whispers quitetly. "I hope this works."

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