Chapter 13

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~~Ray's pov~~

Henry jumps up and down in his seat as I turn around and look at him, smiling. "I can't believe we are finally going to find Annabel, " he says, "when we find Annabel I won't have to fake date Ashley anymore. " I lift up an eye brow but bother not to ask about the fake 'dating'. Brooke pokes me, grabbing my attention quickly as she points to the screen on her phone.

"That's where her car is which must be where the cabin is." Brooke turns a corner while I grab the phone. It shows a red spot outside of Swellview which must be Rebecca's car. "Hopefully this is the right car and it shows us where Annabel is held at." I nod and give the phone back to Brooke as she stops at a stop light.

"Why didn't Kelly come?" I hear Henry ask and from the corner of my eye I could see Brooke tense up, her smile turning into a frown at the sound of her name. I turn around to meet Henry's eyes as he finally calmed down and relaxed.

"She didn't feel very good."

We all sit in silence for a few minutes before Henry asked. "Are we there yet?" Brooke shakes her head as I chuckle. "How long do we have until we get there?"

"Nobody knows Henry, just relax and we will get there faster." Brooke said.

~~Annabel's pov~~

"I can finally walk!" I yell, causing it to echo down the hallway as I throw my arms in the air. The bruises are still there but the pain doesn't begin again unless you press on those spots. I hear laughter coming from the living room and I begin to grow curious.

What's so funny?

I slowly start to walk down the hallway and halfway down my attention is pulled over to a door that is always locked. I barely get to walk into half the rooms in this cabin, I can't go outside to play, I can't do anything!

It's boring here.

I finally make my way down to the living room and saw Rebecca, Rose, and Logan sitting on the couch. Brent is in the kitchen doing the dishes and Nathan and James are no where to be seen. "What on earth is so funny?" I question putting my hands on my hips as they all look over to me and Logan smiles.

"I can finally walk!" Logan mocks me and I huff, crossing my arms.

"Well I can and it made me happy." I state as the front door slams open, causing me to jump, scared half to death. James and Nathan run in wearing black coats and pants with boots and hats to cover there heads.

"Whats going on?" Brent asked walking past me and standing in front of Nathan.

Nathan sucks in air before replying. "Their on their way." This causes everyone to get up off their butts and move around the cabin, grabbing weapons and the first thing that comes to my mind is Ray and Henry.

Their on their way.

I didn't realize that everyone had left except for James until Brent yelled at James. "Don't let Annabel get away or follow us." The door closes and I try to make a run for the door, but James grabs onto my arms and begins to pull me away. He throws me on the couch and I look out a window, noticing that they all got in Rebecca's car and drove away.

Well that's not even right.

"Annabel stop moving around." James tries to calm me down but I begin to start kicking around and after awhile. I felt my foot make contact to his face, causing blood to roll out of his nose. "Annabel your happy that you can walk right?"

I nod as he grips my wrist and pins me down to the couch. "Then stop moving around and fighting back, or I will make your body hurt so much you wont be able to walk for a long time." I stop struggling as he walks into the kitchen and grabs a towel which was the first thing he saw, pressing it on his nose.

"I can't go outside and play in the snow?" I ask and he glances over at me with the meanest look on earth.

"After what you just did to my face I would have to say no, "he says, "you should be thankful I won't punish you for that, cause Brent told all of us if you did something like this, then we can punish you."

 I sigh and get off the couch, heading for my room as he starts mumbling off about his nose. I stop halfway down the hallway and look into one of the rooms.

 I slowly walk into the room and find a light brown colored desk with papers stacked up on the corners. There's a laptop next to a phone and a closet that has coats hanging up.

I walk toward the desk and look at a board that has push pins in it and photos hanging. The first photo is my mom. It has her name written above it and a check mark in the middle of the photo. Then there was a arrow that went down and shown a picture of me, with a check mark in the middle of the photo.

What is this? Is Brent keeping track of who's next to go after or who he kidnapped.

"Annabel." I hear someone mumble my name and I jump causing papers to fall on the floor. I turn my head and saw Logan standing in the doorway with a gun in his hand. My breathing hitched as I look down at the gun, causing my hands to begin shaking. Logan soon realizing this and puts the gun down on the dresser next to him. "Annabel what are you doing in here?" He ask and I look down at the ground. "Your not suppose to be in this room. You can get in big trouble."

"I didn't know." I look up as he walks over to me and pulls me into a hug.

"Brent told me to stay just in case James wasn't watching over you and he wasn't wrong. James is not looking after you very good." I giggle as we pull away and I'm just about to ask what the photos mean but I hear James begin talking.

"Logan can you help me with the blood on the ground-" He stops mid sentence when his eyes land on me and Logan wraps a arm around my waist. James looks back over at Logan before blinking and asking. "What is Annabel doing in here?"

Logan lifts his chin a little giving him a serious look. "Annabel didn't know she wasn't suppose to be in here, so therefore you will not hurt her." Logan says and I could feel my cheeks start to hurt as I force myself not to smile.

"Brent said that if Annabel went-"

"Brent also said that if Annabel didn't know that she wasn't suppose to be in a certain room, then we can't punish her."

"Well, "James starts walking toward me and I begin to shake a little as he looks me dead in the eye, "Brent is not here so I'm in charge since I'm the oldest here." James is about to take my arm but in a blink of an eye, Logan has his hand on James arm and the other around his throat before slamming James into the wall. The board with the photos fall down and lands behind the desk.

"Don't you even think about hurting Annabel for no reason, or so help me I won't hesitate to kill you." Logan says pressing on James throat a bit.

"Have you gone to the good side Logan? Cause you sure are acting like it. Sticking up for a fifteen year old girl that barely knows anything that is happening. " James struggles to talk. "Y-your insane I can't wait to tell Brent about this."

"At least I listen to Brent." James picks up a lamp that was on the desk and slams it against Logan's head. Shattered pieces of the glass are scattered around the floor as Logan lets go of his other hand, but slams James into the wall again and again.

James picks up Logan and throws him off of him and he stumbles over to the desk, causing me to move over and I make a run for the door, but felt someone grab me by my arm.

Then, with sudden movement I am thrown across the room and I feel my back and head make contact to the wall. Pieces of glass scratch my skin as I land on the floor and everything becomes quiet.

Complete silence.

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