Who are you?

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Agastya's POV

Pain, pain and pain!!

I'm struggling with the pain that chokes me every day. Time, emotions, and feelings - everything changed in an instant. The one with whom I dreamed of spending my entire life has ruined my life. Now, I've adopted a new persona, and I've forgotten to care for myself. I've lost myself, and I've forgotten how to smile.

Does that person ever realize what they meant to us? They ended years of relationships in just a few moments. How easy it is for them! But what about us, who only sought love? The traitors, the deceivers, expose the cruel reality: we are alone in this world, with no one to truly cherish us. NO ONE MEANS NO ONE.

And I loathe myself for surrendering to their deceit, for entrusting my heart to those who would crush it. I loathe myself for loving them, for believing in their false promises.

Sometimes, I've wanted to end my life, but my family appears before my closed eyes, and I stop myself because I know they need me. I know everyone tries to make me smile - maa, Dad, Daddu and Roohi - but I've lost myself. I've forgotten how to live.

Ironically, I've returned to India after 20 years. When I stepped foot in India, a weight lifted off my chest. I felt a sense of peace. I thought maybe I'll find myself here. Then I met that silly girl. She talks so much, doesn't she ever get tired? She smiles all the time, without any reason. Who does smile like that all the time?

Only she can do that!

I hate that!!

First, she scratched my car, and then she ran away without telling anyone. If I hadn't seen her, I wouldn't have even known. When I saw her for the first time, I knew she was scared, and her fingers were shaking badly. I knew she was nervous, so I started talking to her, even though I usually avoid such drama. It was fun, and I couldn't help myself.

The way she glares at me, the way she frowns, and the way she curses - it's all so endearing. If anyone else did that they would be six feet under the ground but when she does it, I like it without realizing it.

Honestly, She is beautiful. The way she carries herself naturally. The way she carries her tradition it all reflects in her. Her body language is all about jolly and natural person. The way she tucks her hair behind the ears all the time. I hate the fact that I couldn't help but stare at her. She seems younger than me. The most importantly her eyes that looks so deep. Her hazel brown eyes and the way she stares at me it feels like she is staring right into my soul. It feels like she is reading me that's why I always looked away first.

I hate that I hate that myself that after everything how the fuck I can notice her, see the girl most importantly how can I look at her like that? I didn't notice anyone before like that except her.

She's genuinely beautiful, with a natural grace that radiates from within. Her confidence and poise reflect in the way she carries herself, effortlessly embracing her traditions. Her body language exudes warmth and joy, making her a captivating presence.

I find myself drawn to her quirks, like the way she tucks her hair behind her ears, a habit that reveals her carefree spirit. I'm ashamed to admit that I can't help but stare at her, mesmerized by her youthful energy and that terrifies me.

Her eyes, a deep hazel brown, seem to hold a world of wisdom, and when she looks at me, it feels like she's gazing into my very soul. I sense that she can see right through me, which is why I always look away first.

I'm torn by my own emotions - how can I still find myself attracted to someone after everything that's happened? How can I look at her with such admiration? She's the first person to have caught my attention in this way, and it's unsettling.
I'm caught in this whirlwind of emotions, unsure of what to do next. Part of me wants to run away, to hide from the vulnerability that she makes me feel. But another part of me, a part that I thought was long dead, wants to stay, to explore this connection, to see where it leads.

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