14• Critique of the Author

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Authors pov

The group sat in the dusty kitchen, perched on old, rickety stools that creaked with every movement. The canned fruit they had found was far from gourmet, but after hours of searching the mansion for any form of sustenance, it tasted like heaven. Namjoon and Jin were sharing a can, while Taehyung tried to poke at a particularly unidentifiable piece of fruit with a rusty fork.

"Is this supposed to be a peach or a mutant apricot?" Taehyung asked, squinting at the lump of fruit on his fork.

Jungkook, who was busy trying to open another can with his bare hands, looked over. "Does it matter? At this point, I'd eat a brick if it had some flavor."

Jimin snickered, spooning some syrupy fruit into his mouth. "Careful what you wish for. Knowing our luck, the author might actually give us bricks for dinner next."

Jin smirked, leaning back against the counter. "I wouldn't be surprised. She's already got us trapped in this creepy mansion with no way out. Starvation's probably next on her list."

Namjoon chuckled, shaking his head. "Maybe we should be grateful she hasn't turned this into a zombie apocalypse yet."

"Don't give her ideas," Yoongi muttered, his attention focused on Hoseok, who was sitting alone in the living room. He sighed, grabbing an extra can of fruit and standing up. "I'm going to check on Hobi. You guys keep roasting the author."

"Gladly," Tae said with a mischievous grin.

As Yoongi made his way over to Hoseok, the others continued their impromptu critique session.

Jungkook, who had finally managed to pry open his can, looked around at the dusty, dilapidated kitchen and shook his head. "You know, I've always wondered if the author secretly hates us. I mean, look at where she's got us living! This place is worse than a horror movie set."

Jimin nodded, feigning seriousness. "And don't get me started on the plot. We've been here for how many chapters now, and still no sign of a way out? It's like she's just messing with us at this point."

Namjoon, ever the thoughtful one, stroked his chin. "Maybe it's supposed to be character development. You know, like, 'let's see how much we can make them suffer before they break.'"

Jin rolled his eyes. "Oh, right, because nothing says character development like eating expired canned fruit in a haunted mansion."

Taehyung chuckled, pointing his fork at Jin. "At least we're still pretty. Imagine if she decided to throw in a 'we all wake up with horrible acne' plot twist."

Jin groaned dramatically. "Please, no. My face is my moneymaker!"

Jimin raised an eyebrow. "And what money are you making in this mansion, exactly? You can't even find a bathroom, let alone a modeling gig."

Namjoon laughed, clapping jin on the back. "Don't worry, jin. I'm sure the author will write us out of this mess eventually. Probably right after she makes us fall in love with each other or something."

Jin smirked, leaning in conspiratorially. "Oh, you think she's going to go for the romance angle now? Because clearly, what this story needs is more drama."

Tae pretended to gag. "Please, spare me the angst. If I have to endure a 'tortured love confession in the rain' scene, I might actually ask the ghosts to take me."

Jimin, unable to resist, put on a mock-serious face. "But tae, my heart yearns for you! Even though we're stuck in this haunted mansion, surrounded by the restless spirits of the damned, my love for you burns brighter than a thousand suns!"

Taehyung burst out laughing, nearly dropping his can. "Okay, now I'm imagining the author writing that and actually thinking it's original."

Tae wiped a fake tear from his eye, playing along. "And then I'll step in and say, 'But Jimin, we're just friends! My heart belongs to someone else!' Cue the dramatic music, and then a ghost shows up just to add to the chaos."

Jin waved his hand dramatically. "And then I'll swoop in with a perfectly timed monologue about the true meaning of love and friendship. Because, you know, that's what always happens in these kinds of stories."

Jungkook sighed, leaning back on his stool. "You know, if the author were actually listening to us, she'd probably be taking notes right now."

Jimin grinned. "Or she's just sitting there, thinking, 'Wow, these characters are way funnier than I am. I should have let them write this story.'"

As the group dissolved into laughter, Yoongi returned from the living room, his expression softer as he watched Hoseok devour the fruit he'd given him. He joined the others, shaking his head at their antics.

"Are you guys still roasting the author?" Yoongi asked, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Of course," Jin replied, still grinning. "We're just giving her some constructive feedback."

Taehyung nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah, like maybe she could give us a little more action, a little less existential dread."

Jimin added, "And some romance that doesn't involve us all being miserable would be nice."

Namjoon chuckled. "Well, here's hoping she takes our advice. Otherwise, we might be stuck in this mansion for another ten chapters."

Yoongi sighed, sitting back down with the group. "At least she's keeping it interesting. I mean, who else could come up with a plot where we're literally eating canned fruit in a haunted mansion while criticizing the author?"

Jungkook laughed, raising his can in a mock toast. "To the author, may she always keep us entertained, even if it means we have to suffer a little."

The others raised their cans in agreement, and for a moment, the tension in the air was replaced by laughter and camaraderie. They knew they were stuck in a strange and dangerous situation, but at least they had each other-and the ability to laugh at the absurdity of it all.

And somewhere, perhaps in another realm or just beyond the pages, the author was listening, smiling at their antics, and planning what to throw at them next.

Did I just get roasted by my character's? 🤨

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