16• Breaking Point

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Authors pov

Hoseok was jolted awake on the couch as Yoongi's voice suddenly cut through the eerie silence of the mansion. "Why don't you just say the damn truth, Hoseok? Get us the hell out of here!" Yoongi's eyes blazed with anger as he stood over Hoseok, fists clenched.

The others, who had been sleeping peacefully in one of the rooms, now surrounded the two, their faces etched with worry. "Guys, please, calm down!" Jin pleaded, but his words fell on deaf ears.

"Why don't you shut up for once, Yoongi? Stop acting like you're the only one suffering here!" Hoseok shot back, pushing himself off the couch. He was done with Yoongi's accusations, done with the constant pressure.

Yoongi scoffed, his voice dripping with disdain. "Oh, I'm sorry. Did I hurt your feelings? Poor Hoseok, always the victim. Maybe if you weren't such a coward, we wouldn't be stuck in this nightmare!"

"Maybe if you weren't such a damn know-it-all, we wouldn't be in this mess either!" Hoseok's voice was laced with venom, the frustration bubbling over.

"You're so pathetic, Hoseok. You think you can just avoid this forever? Grow up!" Yoongi spat, stepping closer, his face mere inches from Hoseok's.

"Pathetic? At least I'm not a bitter, self-righteous bastard who thinks he has all the answers!" Hoseok snapped, his chest heaving.

"At least I'm not a selfish, lying piece of-"

Hoseok had had enough. With a surge of anger, he punched Yoongi square in the face, his fist connecting with a sickening thud. "Shut up!" Hoseok roared, his breath coming in harsh gasps as he glared down at Yoongi, who stumbled back, blood trickling from his split lip.

The others gasped in shock, eyes wide as they watched the scene unfold. Yoongi's head snapped to the side from the impact, but instead of backing down, he chuckled darkly, licking the blood off his lip before turning his gaze back to Hoseok.

"Is that all you got?" Yoongi taunted, wiping the blood from his mouth. The rage in Hoseok's eyes faltered, guilt creeping in, but before he could utter an apology, Yoongi's fist flew out, landing a brutal punch to Hoseok's face.

Hoseok's head snapped back, a groan of pain escaping him as he covered his nose, blood seeping through his fingers. The other six, now thoroughly alarmed, rushed forward to intervene, but Hoseok was faster. With a furious growl, he lunged at Yoongi, tackling him to the ground.

"You bastard!" Hoseok snarled, straddling Yoongi and raining punches down on him. "You think you can talk to me like that? You're nothing but a selfish, arrogant jerk!"

Jungkook attempted to pull Hoseok off Yoongi, but Hoseok shoved him away, his focus solely on pummeling Yoongi's face into a bloody mess. Yoongi's nose was bleeding, his lip was split, and yet, he managed to maneuver himself, flipping them over so he was now on top.

Yoongi pinned Hoseok to the floor, his hands gripping Hoseok's wrists with an iron grip. His bloodied face hovered inches above Hoseok's, his expression a mixture of fury and cold detachment. "Stay out of my way, Hoseok," Yoongi warned, his voice low and dangerous. "Because next time, I won't hesitate to kill you."

Hoseok, despite the pain radiating through his body, managed a defiant smile. "Go ahead and try," he hissed before lifting his knee and ramming it into Yoongi's groin.

Yoongi grunted in pain, his grip loosening just enough for Hoseok to shove him off. But before they could continue their brutal brawl, Jin had had enough. With a growl, he grabbed Yoongi by the hair, yanking him and shoving him away.

"Both of you, enough!" Jin's voice echoed through the room, his usual calm demeanor replaced by sheer frustration. Hoseok scrambled to his feet, ready to launch himself at Yoongi again, but Jin held him back, his hands firmly on Hoseok's shoulders.

Namjoon quickly stepped in, grabbing Yoongi and holding him back, while Taehyung positioned himself between the two. "This is madness! You're both going to kill each other if you don't stop!"

Jungkook, still shaken from being pushed away, muttered under his breath, "This place is driving us all crazy..."

Tae and Jimin shot Jungkook a glare, and he gulped, stepping back nervously.

Hoseok finally managed to push Jin away, pointing a shaking finger at Yoongi. "Tell him to leave me and my 'shit' alone, or I swear-"

Yoongi, having pushed Namjoon off, countered angrily, "Maybe if you weren't so selfish, we wouldn't be in this mess! Just get us out of here, damn it!"

Tears of frustration welled up in Hoseok's eyes, his voice cracking as he yelled back, "Maybe I am selfish! Maybe I don't want to talk! Did you ever think of that, Yoongi?"

Yoongi's eyes narrowed in disgust. "You're a piece of crap, Hoseok. Always have been, always will be."

Hoseok scoffed, his voice breaking as he turned on his heel and stormed out of the room. "I'm done with this. With all of you."

As Hoseok disappeared into the shadows, Yoongi wiped the blood from his face, though it continued to pour. Jimin sighed heavily, walking over to Yoongi and dragging him toward the kitchen. "Come on, let's get you cleaned up before you bleed all over the place."

Left in the aftermath of the explosive fight, the others could only sigh in exasperation. Taehyung leaned against the wall, his gaze flickering to the ceiling. "So, this is what she came up with, huh? Us fighting each other?"

Jin huffed, crossing his arms. "Seriously, when is the Sope ship going to sail? I thought that was supposed to happen ages ago."

Namjoon rolled his eyes, "Right? You'd think they'd have figured it out by now."

Jungkook, still recovering from the shock, mumbled, "Isn't this supposed to be a horror story? Why are we all acting like we're in a soap opera?"

Tae chuckled dryly, "We might as well be. With all the drama going on, we should just start a reality show."

Jin raised an eyebrow, smirking slightly. "Next thing you know, there'll be a love triangle."

Namjoon groaned, "Don't give her any ideas."

The room was filled with a mix of sarcastic remarks and half-hearted chuckles as they tried to make light of the situation. But beneath the humor, the tension remained, thick and suffocating, as they all knew the worst was yet to come.

Hmm, a love triangle? My specialty 😏

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