The Beginning of Summer

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We parted ways at the Hogwarts Express. The twins going off with their family Cedric and Annalise finding their parents. Izzy went with her dad so they could fly out to Phoenix Arizona for the two weeks they spend together before Uncle Charlie goes back home and Izzy stays with her mother Renee and Step-Father Phil for the rest of Summer. I looked around for Remus and was surprised to see Sirius standing there with him.

We went straight home and I focused on unpacking everything from school and everything I hadn't had the chance to unpacked last summer.

That was what I did for two days straight.

"Little wolf it's time to get up. We have to talk....all three of us!" Moony wakes me up shaking me gently

I look up at him tugging my blankets back up around me and pulling my Padfoot back up to my chest. "No"

"Yes pup," He tells me softly "I know this is a big change, for all of us. But the three of us need to have a real conversation."

"But Moony—" I start

"No Maeve," He sighs "I love you like you are my own. But he is your father. I'm not asking you to call him dad or even see him as your father. But he is my best friend and he deserves to know you as you deserve to know the real him. Not just stories."

I sigh sitting up looking down at my hands. "D-Do you still have the memories from my mum?"

"Yes?" He says confused "Why little wolf?"

"You're right he deserves to know me...but he should know everything..." I mumble

"Are you suggesting what I think you are?"

"Yes," I sigh looking up at him "Show him the memories well I get ready, please?"

"Of course little wolf," He ruffles my hair with a smile and gets up.

"Wait," I grab his hand "Show him my last memory of mum too... I will bring down Mum's letters for him and the picture albums we have...."

"Of course my little wolf" He smiles at me "I'll leave you to it." He kisses my head and leaves my room.

I lay there for a few minutes before I get up and go to my bathroom. I take a shower taking my time knowing we will both need time after he's seen everything. Once I'm done I wrap my towel around my body drying my hair with another towel. I brush my hair and teeth before drying off my body and getting dressed in some ripped high waisted jeans and a loose fitting cropped shirt. I throw on some socks and go to my closet.

I dig through my closet pulling out all of our photo albums. Moony's from school, Mum's from before, during and after school. I put them in the bin of photo's from my years with Moony seeing as I have yet to put them on my wall or into an album of my own. I make note to do so soon.

I set them on my bed before pulling out the six bins under my bed. I open the light blue ones Moony and I put the letters from Mum and Moony himself for Sirius making sure they are all there before closing them back up and putting them on my bed as well. I put all of the other bins back under my bed. I'll have to find Harry Clearwater my mother's brother, Sue Clearwater Harry's wife (Mum sadly didn't get to go to their wedding as the Wizarding war was happening, not that they knew that) and Billy Black one day as well as the woman my mum swore he would marry Sarah.

I take a deep breath petting Misty's head as she stretches on my bed.

"I can do this, right?" I ask Misty scratching behind her ear. I let out a breathy laugh at myself as she purrs.

She meows at me as I stand. I pick up the bins of letters and head downstairs.

"MOONY?" I yell out to him once I'm off the stairs to my room (the attic) "WHERE ARE YOU?"

"LIVING ROOM" Moony yells back

I sigh caring the bins of letters to the living room. I enter the room and put them on the table. Very aware of both sets of eyes on me.

"Sirius these are letters for you from Moony and Mum." I tell him glancing at him "I have some from Uncle Reg as well if you'd like them."

"What?" He asks

"I have letters he's written you over the years." I tell him "I will be going up to get the pictures. I can grab the letters from him as well."

"Please?" He asks

"Of course," I tell him with a small smile "I'll go grab them. Once you've watched the memories and read the letters we can talk."

I go back upstairs needing to dig through some things to find the letters and a few pictures of his visits with Izzy I placed with them.


So I haven't been too happy with how short this book is and I've finished Order of the Phoenix so I'm editing this book and then that one. I will probably edit the first one as well but because I haven't posted all of this one yet I decided to edit this one first.

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