Chapter Two: Telling the Truth

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*Maeve POV*

I come downstairs with the letters from uncle Reg and all our photos and photo albums. I put them down on the table as Sirius is putting the letters away.

"Sirius are you done?" Moony asks him

He nods wiping his eyes and looking up. When he spots me he stands and hugs me tightly.

"I am so sorry I wasn't there," Sirius whispers into my hair.

"It's okay, it's not your fault." I mumble into his chest squeezing him back as tightly as I can.

I pull away from him and give him a smile. He gives me a watery smile back.

"Would you like to look through the photo's now or later?" I ask Sirius

"I-I" Sirius stumbles through his words trying to say something.

"Or maybe" Moony starts

"Moony," I look up at him "do you this it is time for us to have that discussion you have been wanting to have instead?"

"Yes Little wolf," Moony says "Sirius can always go through the photos well you are at school depending on how busy or schedule becomes. Let's sit."

Moony sits on a the coffee table and Sirius and I sit on the couch.

"We wanted to talk to you about Sirius living with us." Moony tells me softly

"I'm assuming he doesn't want to live in the Black family home." I state "Uncle Reg said it's sad and dark."

Sirius lets out a strangled noise.

"That would be correct," Moony starts "We have the room here for him. We were hoping you would be okay with him moving in here."

"We won't do it if you don't want to." Sirius says "I was—I was just hoping we could get to know each other and get closer."

"Of course," I tell them. They look at me shocked. "We have two rooms still open. It would probably be best for us to stick together."

They both stay still. Both staring at me with wide eyes.

"You boys do realize I know Harry's living situation is really bad, right?" I ask them both

"How do you know that?" Sirius asks quietly

"The twins," I shrug "Harry's second year they broke him out."

"What do you mean, little wolf?" Moony asks

"They were starving him for one," I tell them they both gasp "That wasn't the worst. The Weasley twins and Ron took their dads flying car and flew it all the way to Harry's. There were bars on his windows and his school items were locked in his old bedroom. Which by that I mean the cupboard under the stairs."

There's complete silence for a few minutes before Misty rubs against their legs purring before jumping up on my lap.

"We need to get him out of there!" Moony practically growls

"I already have the paperwork being processed. We will legally be able to go get him in two weeks." Sirius states before standing up "I'm going to prepare my room and get him what he will need."

We watch him go up stairs I'm assuming to the room Moony offered him originally.

"I'm glad you are okay with this little wolf." Moony tells me standing up and opening his arms.

I get up and hug him. "I love you and I know this is what mum would want. I want to know my dad and I want to know Harry. He is my god-brother after all and he deserves better no child should be treated as he is."

"I agree little wolf, I agree." He tells me kissing my head.

I spend a few hours in the afternoon talking to Izzy on the phone and tell her and Uncle what was going on. I spent the rest of the afternoon writing our friends from Beauxbatons and Hogwarts. Hoping to see some of Izzy and I's friends from Beauxbatons before school restarts. Before I go help Sirius whether he wants my help or not.

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