~◆~Previously in "I Swear It All Over Again "~◆~

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Sequel to "I Swear It All Over Again "


Warning: This book may likely involve lots of blood, and chapters that may be to intense for some viewers.

If you get scared easily or very uncomfortable reading books with blood, crying, action (gun shots, explosions, killing, and more.) Then this book may not be for you.

Later chapters in this book will get very intense for some readers.

(Chapters 5 and up will be action packed)

Viewers discretion is advised!


Previously in " I Swear It All Over Again"

"It's Brent." He says, pressing the answer button and putting it on speaker. I walk up to the phone and listen.

"Hello?" Ray asked.

"Well hello Ray, "Brent says, "so are you missing someone right now?" Ray's hand grabs the phone and he yells into the phone, quickly realizing that he kidnapped Annabel.

"What have you done with Annabel!" Ray screamed.

"Oh calm down, Ray she's fine. She's sitting in the back of the van with me and we are heading to our hideout, where you'll never find us. "Brent says and I can hear Annabel crying.

"Let me talk to Annabel. "Ray says and he laughs.

"Sorry but right now she's being a good girl and not talking. "Brent says and I could feel Ray grip my hand, squeezing it hard instead of screaming out his anger.

"Don't you even dare think about touching Annabel or hurting her." Ray said and Brent laughs.

"Oh, Ray your so funny. Why do you think I would hurt little Annabel?" Brent asked laughing.

"Because you almost killed her when she was only three!" Ray yells, slamming his hands on the desk, clearly angrier than he was before.

"Yeah, yeah whatever. Anyway we have to go we are about to lose connection. Say good bye, Annabel. "Brent says and we hear her crying. We all look at Ray as he inhales air.

"Daddy!" She cries about to say something else but Brent must of stopped her, and Ray's eyes are filled with tears as he closes his eyes and becomes serious again.

"Okay listen here Brent and you better listen good, "Ray starts, "your going to pay for everything you have done to Annabel since the day she was born. I will find you and I will kill you if it's the last thing I ever do. "It goes silent on the other side of the phone, until Brent says two words that had cut Ray's breath short, then the line goes dead.

"Good luck."

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