Like I was looking for my headphones for an hour....
And the little shit was on my hand. The. Whole. Time.
Ayame laughing at me and I'm laughing at Kami knows what.
I'm drunk off ramen, happy crack, and some anime I'm watching. It's awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Twenty years later Spongebob style
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And done!
The upside down i's are exclaimation marks!! Cheering in the background.
Oh wait, the anime is called Show By Rock! Watch this!!!!!
Goddammit! Hana stop using exclaimation points, you fucktard!
Ayame, shut yo bitch ass up!!!
Lord, we are like real life Hidan's without the hair and body parts. 'Wink wink nudge nudge'
Byyyyyyyyyeeeeeee, my chicken mcnigglets!
Ow! Ayame! *Throws ice.*
*Melts on her shirt* FAAAAAA!