We are the NekoNeko! *Puts hands on hips* Let's go! *Cape flows behind us*
NekoNeko Rin! -Hana
NekoNeko Haruka....-Ayame
NekoNeko Makoto! -ShinjuWe are da Neko Guhs!!! Nah, we NekoNeko obviously. Wait, we said that already...
Ayame- Haha... Anata wa watashitachi ga 'kirumībeibī' no yō ni shite iru shitte imasu ka? Sore wa ikutsu ka mechamecha tawagotodesu. - Haha...you know we're like 'Kill Me Baby'? That's some messed up shit.
Me- Hai!
Shinju- *Rolls eyes...again* Aho... Anyways, we're gonna go do something while you guys do something. -Wtf- See you later!
Ja ne!