Everybody giving me strange looks cause I tried to eat a balloon.
Like, I'm too shy to talk to a boy so I eat a balloon. I've never actually eaten one, don't get your bra in a twist. Everyone does that!
No, Hana, nobody does that but you!
Jesus christ, AYAME GO AWWAYYY! Keep ruining my weird moments.
Yes, Shini?
You're whole life is a weird moment...
( ºΔº )〣 *Pokes mushroom*
( U>U )/)〣 Poke. Poke. Poke.Someone please find a guy to talk to her. I think she is losing her sanity by poking that thing...
Make him to to her cause she's not stable enough to begin a conversation with a boy without running around the house asking for someone to tell her what to say.
She was going to text the_doge_obsession but her shyness took over.
It's only with guys!! Girls are easier to talk to! Not everyone has a boyfriend like you, Yui!
Ja ne!
Wait! I wasn't do- BWAAAAAA!