Volume 5 - [The new league of Cryotion]

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Roman stood fixing his new hero suit having been peacefully training and working with Hercules and the other new members of the hero league having changed his name to Copper Knight finding it more fitting as Fue stood fixing his own newer suit that was black with red and silver accents. "You look like a lighter-" Roman snickered as Lucious snickered Aswell. "Oh my god- like mine-" Lucious pulled out his Bic lighter. "Bic lighter- bahahaha" Roman laughed. Hercules was speaking with Fue and roman as the two discussed how similar their suits were while roman laughed about it and Lucious snickered alongside him. von walked in and took a deep breath. "Everyone quiet down here." Von stated calmly looking at everyone waiting for everyones attention. Von then alerted them over their first mission. "There are new villains already popping up. With the feathered kings retired i have to rely on you all." Von stated. "There is a woman who is an issue as of recently, she has mechanical arms and appears to be a tinker or creator if you will, she has mechanical wings and has been using her gadgets to cause harm and chaos in downtown Cryotion." "I need two people to take care of this since the tinker appears to have a large number of mechanical equipment. I recommend our newest member Lucious and Fue both of you are highly powerful so you will have no issue dealing with such a simple foe. Hercules i would like you to stay here on the main property while you manage everything. Do i make myself clear?" von explained his reasoning for splitting the members this way instead of sending them all to deal with the threat together. "Her name is Grane Brace the villain the creator." Hercules instructed at Lucious and Fue off to the side. "Good to know that this creator is named Grane Brace. Thank you, Hercules, for that information. Lucious and Fue off you two go and deal with her... try not to destroy too much of the city. And return on time. Do i make myself clear?" von continued speaking out ordering the two to be careful and not to destroy anything unnecessary in the city unless they have to. Lucious and Fue then looked to each other than at Von nodding up and down. "Good." von replied as he nodded. "Now go out there and get her. if you come back in one piece then you will be rewarded for it." von explained before looking back down at his laptop and checking the security cameras for Cryotion and seeing Grane Brace wreaking havoc on the area. "What is the best way to get her down long enough to be arrested-" Lucious asked curiously. "I mean if Fue can keep her distracted enough i could zap her tech- but i got to get close to her so i don't actually hurt her by missing. "I would personally say that you should get as close to her as possible without alerting her of your presence and then hit her with your electricity. you have the greatest ability to keep her stunned and immobilized without causing harm or pain. Fue would probably be able to distract her long enough for you to get in close to her without alarming her. If i were you i would not take too long since the more she stays the more damage she can cause." von suggested to him thinking about the situation between the two hero's abilities. "How do we know what this madame looks like?" Fue asked at von as he pulled parts of his gear on. "I have taken the liberty of checking the town security cameras and she will look like a tall lean muscular woman with long silver hair with mechanical parts such as her wings and her mechanical arms. her wings are a distinctive feature and will be the easiest to notice her with. Now do not take too long as she has already caused much damage already. Do i make myself clear?" von explained to the two of them carefully making sure everything was explained to them before they went off. "So she's hot-" Lucious rose an eyebrow as Fue elbowed him dragging him off nodding. "Oui" Fue answered Von. "Yes, but i would recommend trying not to look at her too much as she is more than likely doing some serious damage to the city. If you get too distracted by her appearance, then it will most likely be your and other downfalls. Now get going and keep focused." von responded calmly pointing the way towards the city where they saw Grane brace on the security cameras continuing her mayhem. "What if her brother shows up...The Creator- Frederick Brace- He is a crazy Cyborg..." Hercules questioned. "If he does show up then all of us would be there to assist those two in eliminating the threat. I have no doubt that in the event both of them show up we will be able to handle them without issue. Now we focus on the one that we currently know of that is wreaking havoc on the city. do i make myself clear?" von repeated himself once again for the group to make sure everyone knew what to focus on. Hercules saluted nodding to Von before looking to the boys. "Go on and get ready- Hey and Roman we updated your suit for you." Hercules spoke in a calm and friendly tone. "Thank you for that Hercules and i will make sure to put the new suit to good use." roman said with a nod and a smile after hearing the news of his suit upgrade and Lucious nodded as well. "Make sure Nathaniel actually puts his suit on-" Hercules sighed. "No more high-top sneakers and whatever tripp pants are-" Hercules rubbed at his hair. "I will try, but his sense of fashion is a very confusing thing that i am not sure I'll be able to understand. his sense of fashion may be ridiculous but that is one of the many things that makes up his charm and personality that i like." roman responded with a small chuckle at what Hercules was saying about Nathaniel's sense of fashion being so bad. "Von has taken care of him since he was sixteen but he's thirty-two shouldn't he grow out of it-" Hercules sighed. "Then again... Tony didn't so i don't know." "He probably should have grown out of it by now, but it is part of his personality and i doubt he would wish to change his fashion sense. He always looks like he is trying to pull off the best 90's look possible with a modern twist, but it looks ridiculous. However, i can never bring myself to tell him that." Roman explained looking over to Hercules. "Am i getting old or something- Why the best 90's look..." Hercules sighed softly. "Trust me i am starting to feel the same way when i try to make sense of Nathaniel's fashion sense. It should make no sense, but he still pulls it off in his own way somehow. As for where the 90's part he most likely still thinks that is what is cool and hip these days since he has a slight case of being out of the loop with some of these modern styles and trends." Von explained as he looked to Hercules. "Doesn't matter i worked hard on that hero suit for him and damn it he will wear it-" Hercules huffed. "I agree he does need to be wearing the suit since the work on it was so hard. But, he is just Nathaniel and you cannot change him too much or else he might cease to be him. He has always liked to be different and i have no doubt that he will find a way to alter the suit to his liking and style." Roman argued looking back to Hercules with a smile while he continued to argue the point. "Go finish getting ready kid... get Fue ready too okay." Hercules ordered as he walked off to check on Lucious. Hercules walked over to Lucious who was busy preparing himself for the job and checking over his suit to ensure it was ready for the job ahead. "So how is the suit?" Hercules asked his new teammate walking up beside him and looking over it himself. "Reminds me of my fathers." Lucious huffed. "But, i like the idea of redeeming the look." He stated as he pulled the boots on. "So, like... You guys wiped out the old hero league right did you guys like i don't know dig up any hidden secrets?" Lucious questioned raising an eyebrow. "The old hero league were corrupt and causing more harm than good and we decided that it needed to be taken care of. As for secrets we did unearth a few secrets that were hidden within the old league. Though some of these secrets are best left alone and hidden." Hercules explained as he looked straight at Lucious waiting for some sort of question or reaction to his words. "I got a confession to make, I overheard Nathaniel trying to convince Roman to fly with him after hours to explore the old, abandoned hero base. Figured I'd let you know- hell i think it's a good idea." Lucious shrugged. "Maybe we missed stuff... Like the files-?" "I do believe you may be onto something. the old files could have some valuable information that could help us to better understand a few things that are still left a mystery. I am sure with your power we can get there quickly and search around the base. though we should probably go during the night since we do not wish to alert the other villains that something is going on here. you up for the job?" Hercules responded to him thinking about how that was a good idea. "Tch wow... You want me to babysit them don't you. Fine this mission goes well with the Creator and the Creation and I'll do it." Lucious sighed in defeat. "Glad to hear that you are willing to do the job. Make sure to keep those two in line they can be a little much sometimes." Hercules said to Lucious with a grin on his face. Lucious sighed. "Let's get this over with." He walked off with Hercules as the others caught up pausing at Nathaniel with a new haircut. His medium long pretty boy hair.... was shorter now looking like some supermodel or something with a leather jacket and white leather pants. Hercules walked alongside Lucious as he led the way towards Nathaniel and Roman stopping them to get their attention. "We have come to a decision that we think you both should take a trip to the old abandoned hero base to see if there is anything hidden away that could help us in our war against the villains and to potentially unearth secrets that may have been left behind." Hercules explained looking at both of them waiting for their response. "Oh, You mean my plan that Lucious blabbed about." Nathaniel rose an eyebrow crossing his arms a bit. "Yes, your plan that apparently Lucious could not keep his mouth shut about so now we are forced to go through with it and have you two check the old hero base for the sake of information gathering and any other potential reasons that could be of benefit to us. Do i make myself clear?" Hercules continued as he looked straight at Nathaniel waiting for his response. Nathaniel sighed angsty groaning as they walked out the manor that was used as the new hero league headquarters. "So how should we do this do we try and ask them to stop then arrest them?" Roman asked as at Hercules who was getting on his bike while Lucious and Fue got into Lucious's sports car as Nathaniel and Roman got ready to fly to the location. "This would prevent a potential battle we cannot afford right now. The best chance that we have is while they are occupied. Let me lead the way with Lucious. And you and Roman will go ahead to keep an eye on Grane brace from the sky, maybe keep her distracted while me, Fue and Lucious hunt for Frederick." Hercules explained as he began to get onto his bike while waiting for Lucious to do the same. The two boys took off flying into the fly for the location searching for Grane while Hercules led the other three. Hercules led the way driving his motorcycle as Fue and Lucious drove off in the sports car. They all made it to the location quickly and they got off their vehicles and quietly headed into behind Frederick who appeared to be attempting to trip the powerlines. Hercules immediately started to search the area for anything that could have been left behind while Nathaniel and Roman flew around to try and get in range to see if they could spot or Grane brace. Hercules stalked Frederick with stealth with Fue and Lucious after they parked. While Nathaniel and Roman circled the sky. "What the-" Grane looked up standing in the center of wrecked cars her mechanical wings flexing as she looked up at Nathaniel and Roman coldly. Frederick stood laughing wildly as he was attempting to break a light pole down to cut power to the whole block. Hercules approached Frederick first in attempt of handling things civil. The mechanical gears creaked as Frederick paused looking at Hercules. "What are you some big joke- You think those horns and muscles scare me-" He scoffed arrogantly. Meanwhile with Grane she was getting heated at Roman trying to throw random rubble around her at him as Nathaniel was cautiously coming up behind her. Hercules remained silent as he came up Infront of him not caring if the mechanical man was offended by his appearance. He did not wish to harm or intimidate the enemy in any way. "I do not believe you would want to take that chance since i am capable of ripping you apart physically even with your mechanical body. I am surprised that you are not even aware of the rumors about me and the many deeds i have done." Hercules stated to him not moving towards him just yet waiting to see how he would respond. Frederick laughed loudly. "You think you can match up to machines boy!? Oh, i know who you are- Could have been great you know- Just like Stinger- a fucking inspiration!" Frederick spat as Lucious and Fue came at Hercules side to keep Frederick circled. "I could have been great? Do you think i am not great right now?" Hercules responded to him as he started to slowly circle him moving his right arm to flex the bicep while moving his feet to circle him in a complete circle at a distance. "I am very aware of the feats and accomplishments of stinger and i am most certainly stronger and superior to him." Hercules stated as he made it a completed circle around him as he continued to not get too close to him. "You know i was really hoping you wouldn't say that-" Frederick snapped throwing a parked car in Hercules direction pissed. Hercules casually grabbed the car midair before it could hit him and tossed it casually off to one side before continuing to not get too close to him. "Was the car supposed to hit me?" Hercules asked with an arrogant smirk at him not showing any signs of fear or intimidation. "You think your hot shit because you're the new hero league leader... Tch... Shame the hero leagues gone all goodie goodie." Frederick grunted as he watched at Lucious and Fue every so often as i glared at Hercules. "Who are these two- You baby sit now?" Hercules continued to smirk at him as he was getting aggravated by the mechanical man. "They are my underlings who are capable of doing quite a bit of damage if you were to try and attack either one of them. And yes in a way i do baby sit since they both have the potential to cause damage and mayhem if left alone." Hercules said to him before he began to close in slightly on him getting closer. "Do not-" Lucious snapped up a bit as Fue snickered. "You all are foolish if you think i will just turn myself in-" Frederick hissed. Hercules took notice of the reaction from Lucious before he let out a small chuckle. "What is foolish is that you think you have any chance in surviving this situation." Hercules continued to get closer to him. "Oui... If you just like turn yourself in it doesn't have to get ugly-" Fue spoke up causing Frederick to turn at him. "Run back home to France little boy- what are you called huh- flicker or something?" Frederick taunted laughing. Hercules looked to Fue with a slightly irritated expression before looking back to Frederick. "I should ask you is this how you speak to those who you feel are inferior to you?" Hercules asked in a calm voice before he started to close the distance between the two of them. "I am the hero Butane-" Fue snapped annoyed defending himself. "Little Butane- how amusing-" Frederick grunted swinging at Fue causing Lucious to step in. "let Citral shock some manners into you dude-" Lucious snapped as he blocked Fue throwing electrical currents into Fredericks suit. "I will fry you like a bad computer-" Lucious growled. Hercules watched as the battle between Frederick and Lucious began to happen as he still closed in on Frederick. He would just see how this played out letting them have their own one on one for the time being. "Your power-" Frederick snapped as his suit was shorting out a bit furious before shoulder slamming Lucious into a nearby wall as his joints and suit smoked a bit. "Butane- t-torch him!" Lucious snapped to Fue as Hercules watched incase he had to step in admiring the teamwork he is watching. Hercules watched impressed at the teamwork between the two boys as they worked together. Meanwhile Hercules still remained where he was waiting for the perfect opportunity to either sneak up behind Frederick and restrain him or see if the boys could handle the situation on their own. Lucious struggled under Frederick as Fue inhaled deeply before exhaling a fairly large amount of Fire freaking out Frederick causing him to stumble backwards his body jolting sparking and smoking. "o-over heat- this is bad- stay away." Frederick snapped. Hercules just watched as they worked together as he waited to see if they could handle it themselves. He would not jump in unless it was becoming too much or things were getting bad. meanwhile Frederick was now dealing with the combination of the two of them working against him as he was now on the verge or being defeated. Lucious zapped into Fredericks suit as much as he could bringing Frederick to his knees jolting and shaking unable to control his mechanical body as Hercules approached him with handcuffs. Hercules looked on as Frederick was finally taken down by the work of both Lucious and Fue. He waited for Frederick to be completely taken down before he came up to the mechanical man and cuffed him. "Guess we should get going now" He said to him as he stared down at him while cuffing him. "M...My sister will kill you all-" Frederick snapped as he was being cuffed while Fue was making a police report of his capture. Meanwhile back with Nathaniel and Roman fighting Grane, Grane stood laughing wildly throwing large heavy objects at Roman trying to hit him out the sky. Hercules rolled his eyes at the threat and did not let it even faze him as he continued to restrain him and then stood up as he stared down at him. "Do you think we would even take that threat seriously?" He responded. Meanwhile Roman was getting annoyed and began to increase speed trying to avoid the projectiles. "We got this from here." Lucious nodded to Hercules as the police were taking Frederick as Fue gave statements as Hercules left to assist Nathaniel and Roman. "This lady is pissed-" Nathaniel shouted to Roman trying to get a good strategy. "Let's keep her on the ground if we can-" Nathaniel instructed at Roman. Hercules finally made it out to where Grane was and the others. He was trying to come up with some sort of plan to handle her however he had not come up with anything. He sighed getting ready to potentially fight her as he focused on her and her abilities. There was one idea he had, however i not sure how well it would go. Grane laughed wildly as she kept throwing objects even going so far to cruelly raise up a parked busted up car over a young civilian that appeared to be a young child who got caught up in the chaos. "Come to me... the perfect creation-" Grane shouted about to crush the child as Nathaniel shouted panicking trying to fly at Grane. Hercules watched as she raised the car and began to try and crush the child. This was enough to push him beyond his patience as she had gone completely over the edge into the realm of evil. He quickly rushed forward attempting to grab the car with his bare hands so that he could try and take control of it before using it against her. Grane grunted her arms shaking as she tried to push down on the car glaring at Hercules in a fight on strength. What she didn't know was Roman was landing behind her slowly sneaking up behind her while Nathaniel scooped the child up running to take them away from the area. Hercules tried using every last bit of strength that he had to stop it from coming down and squashing the innocent person. Hercules's eyes seemed to become filled with anger and rage as if this was a battle he could not lose. Meanwhile Roman was slowly inching his way behind her. He was making sure not to get spotted or heard as he got ever so close until he was behind her. Finally, he was behind her, and he got ready to spring into action. "You are ruining my fun-" Grane hissed at Hercules before being snatched up by her throat from behind causing her to release the broken vehicle to Hercules as she broke out wrestling against Roman's choke hold grab, he had learned from play fighting with his dad in training sessions. Hercules immediately took this opportunity to grab the car as he lifted up and then threw the car towards the side. Meanwhile Roman continued his struggle with Grane trying his best to keep her in the choke hold despite her fighting back hard. Meanwhile in his head as the two struggled he thought up a strategy to knock her out. Grane snapped and cursed the mechanical wings hitting against Roman's chest as she squirmed trying to get free before falling unconscious. Roman let her fall unconscious then turned to where Hercules was with the car and stared at him for a moment before both of them turned to look for Nathaniel and the child to make sure they were okay and if they needed assistance. Nathaniel held a thumbs up as he got the child to some paramedics as the police were arriving. Hercules and roman both took a breath of relief. They were glad that the kid was okay, and the police were coming to clean up the scene. Hercules then turned to Roman a bit exhausted from the event. He was very surprised at how Roman handled Grane as he stared into his eyes waiting for him to say something. Roman wiped his sweat off his forehead walking to Hercules. "Well, that is what happens when you don't play fair-" Hercules nodded agreeing with his comment. "I see that. I must say i am surprised at how well you kept her under your hold." Hercules complimented him as he kept a watchful eye on the police. "Dad taught me how to do that." Roman grinned proudly as Fue and Lucious caught up. Hercules nodded still amazed as he now had a bit of a smile on his face. "Good to see you have also had some combat training. I see" Hercules said as he now finally began to relax. They all then grouped up and returned back to the base.
~the end- for now-~

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