Volume 9 - [The resurrection & reunion of a problem]

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"Get them my sons..." General Destruction laughed through his mask amused as his purple laser beams melted power lines and cars. "Yes, father," Captain corruption and Chaos soldier both replied as they both grinned and laughed as they both began to shoot out their laser beams and destroy whatever was in their way as they were heading to the old hero base . He followed with his sons grinning amused with a smug attitude heading through city streets not even being discrete of hiding. The three of them continued to remain unbothered with what people thought of them as they were heading through all the city streets without any desire to hide the chaos that they were making as they laughed and giggled at what they were doing. The three of them seemed to really be enjoying themselves as they were wreaking havoc with the general destruction's laser ability. "Now boys remember to behave when your cousin returns-" He firmly ordered. "I'm aware your grown men but i mean it-" He huffed in a fatherly tone. "Yes, dad- we understand," both captain corruption and chaos soldier both replied back as they both nodded in agreement as they knew perfectly well that even if they were older, they had to listen to their father when he said things like these. "We will behave ourselves as you would like us to do, father." He nodded pleased laser beaming the locks off the doors entering the base looking about. "Start searching before those heroic losers come hunting." "Yes, father- we will get started right away on searching the base- we won't let those heroic losers find the amulet before we do," captain corruption and chaos soldier both replied as they both nodded in agreement before they started to split up to search for the amulet that was hidden within the old hero base. General destruction stepped around a bit inside the old hero base as he looked at all of the old pictures that were all dusty and old on the walls which reminded him of all the work that they had done there before. It was a bittersweet feeling for him considering all of the battles/fights and everything that had taken place there and he was now there to retrieve that amulet so that they could resurrect Cosmin Borne who was one of the most dangerous villains that had ever existed. He shifted his gaze at Captain Stingers personal office stepping into it looking about. General destruction's attention was caught by a painting on the wall that had an unusual image of a starry night sky and he took a moment to stop and stare at it with a look of curiosity. He slowly walked over to the painting to look at it more closely and it was something that caught his interest since it was so different from all the other paintings that were on the walls. He pulled it off the wall with his eyes lighting up amused. "Boys-" He shouted grabbing the amulet out of a hidden wall cubby. "Yes- what is it- father?" both captain corruption and chaos soldier both replied back as they both came rushing over to him from the other rooms they were searching in the office since they were wondering what he wanted. General destruction just smiled smugly as he pulled the amulet out of a hidden wall cubby and he just looked over at his sons with the triumph look in his eyes. "Lookie what i found~" He sang softly though his mask. "Whoa...." both captain corruption and chaos soldier both replied back in unison as they both saw the amulet in his hands now giving both of them a look of shock and awe since they didn't actually think that they would just find it that easily- it was honestly kind of surprising considering the fact that this amulet was in a hidden wall cubby that they were completely unaware of as the general destruction held it up proudly and gloated about finding it. "Shall we boys." He stated as he walked with them out of the old base's ruins scowling when they saw Roman running up the steps in their direction with Hercules. "Damn... Lovely we have company." He hissed irritated looking to his sons. "Handle them- Keep them away from the cemetery i will handle the rest!" He barked ordering at them taking off running. Captain Corruption snickered his eyes glowing red. "Look brother a little birdy-" Captain corruption snickered and chuckled seeing Hercules and Roman approaching them as they were making their way to the old base and he just smiled smugly as he saw them both approaching them- it seemed like these two might be a little bit of a problem but him and his brother were perfectly capable of taking care of them both. "So these two are the ones that are supposed to stop us? Hmm..." he said with a mischievous chuckle and he turned to look at chaos soldier as the two of them started to advance to meet Hercules and Roman. "What are you doing with Galivants amulet-" Hercules snapped. "Does it matter? We have what we came for so we're returning it home- this isn't any of your business." Captain corruption said bluntly as he had a smug and condescending expression on his face and that seemed to be the general feeling that chaos soldier had for him as they both advanced towards Hercules and Roman. "Why do you have to go to the cemetery!" Roman demanded to know as well staying at Hercules's side. "Oh we are just going to pay a little visit to one of our old friends," Captain corruption said with snark and bitterness in his voice as he continued to move forward slowly as he advanced with his brother chaos soldier towards Hercules and Roman. "Yeah... you might have heard stories about him- Don't worry you will meet soon- He will leave you starstruck." Chaos soldier remarked laughing his eyes glowing bright yellow. "Starstruck-" Roman mumbled getting eye wide remembering back when he was younger the photo he saw in the manor. "Cosmin....Borne..." Roman gulped afraid. "Correct- you are not wrong- we are going to the cemetery to bring back Cosmin Borne" Captain corruption said with a smug and sadistic grin on his face as he looked over to chaos soldier who was just nodding his head in agreement with his brother as they both laughed about what they were doing. Hercules snapped for Roman to flee and call for back up as he grunted rushing at Captain Corruption and Chaos soldier as Fue and Lucious caught up from helping citizens get out of the area rushing to assist Hercules. Captain corruption and chaos soldier both looked over at Hercules and his two companions as both of the heroes advanced to assist and at the same time both Captain corruption and chaos soldier rushed forward at Hercules and the others to confront them all as they both began to start fighting back. Captain corruption was able to use his laser ability to try to fight off Hercules while chaos soldier used his martial arts and super speed to attack. While chaos soldier and captain corruption both started to attack the rest of the heroes were able to catch up and were coming to the scene to help in the fight. Roman was able to reach his father's phone but he was unable to reach his father's answer which ended up worrying him even more and when he called Von's phone he was able to get him on the line and he explained to him what was happening- he sounded panicked and worried. "Yes- these guys are definitely crazy- we're doing our best to fight them though but they're pretty tough." Fue said as he was able to dodge and roll out of the way of the laser beams while Lucious was doing his best to counter Captain corruption's laser beam. Roman then flew off into the sky heading for the cemetery to try and stop general destruction while Lucious fought Captain Corruption one on one with Hercules and Fue fighting against chaos soldier- it seemed that the heroes were doing their best to try and fight back against the villains. While this was going on Captain corruption and chaos soldier were also still fighting the heroes and they seemed to be pretty evenly matched as they were both really good fighters and they were taking down enemies along with getting some hits in themselves. Roman landed down right as Von did- before he could say anything he saw general destruction standing over Cosmin Borne's grave and he shouted at him to stop as he tried to approach the grave and possibly resurrect Cosmin Borne. "You can't!" Roman snapped nervously. "And what's going to stop me?" General destruction said back to Roman with a smirk on his face as he seemed pretty confident in his ability to resurrect Cosmin Borne while Roman seemed nervous and worried about the situation. Roman got close to Vons side nodding ready to follow his lead. "We won't let you get away with this- cosmin Borne will stay dead" Roman snapped defiantly as he seemed very determined to make sure that the villain could not revive Cosmin Borne back to life as he got close to Von's side ready to follow his lead. "I killed him once. I will not hesitate to do it again!" Von barked out angry. "You... You're the one who did it-" General Destruction growled furious his eyes glowing brightly. Roman's eyes widened watching at them. General Destruction's eyes were glowing brightly as his entire aura filled with anger after hearing the revelation that it was actually Von that killed Cosmin Borne before he could react he quickly went to swing at Roman. General Destroyer's eyes were glaring menacingly as von charged forward towards him to grab him and Von quickly began to punch him repeatedly in the face as General Destruction's arms were pinned by Von as he yelled "DO NOT TOUCH HIM-" protecting Roman from the attack. Captain corruption and Chaos soldier meanwhile were also struggling against Hercules and Fue as they were just simply being outmatched by them at the moment. Lucious inhaled deeply pushing his power passed further than he has before making the orange lightning strike from the sky onto chaos soldier and captain corruption finally hitting power levels like his father could which hit them both harshly causing damage to them and then Lucious quickly started to attack them even more as they both seemed to be down now as chaos soldier was coughing a little bit of blood due to the power level and captain corruption seemed to be stunned from the attack. Lucious helped Hercules up and then helped fue to handcuff and restrain them after they were both finally down showing the power level that the hero could achieve just like his father and he was glad that he was able to achieve such powerful levels. Roman jumped into the fight with General Destruction growling as he was fighting off the both of them causing him to drop the amulet onto the grave which then made it glow bright green which made it seem like something was going to happen. The glow got brighter that was coming from the grave as General Destruction was now slowly backing away as well with Von and Roman backing away from it as well- it seemed like they were all aware that something was happening and they all wanted to be as far away as possible in case it ended up being a bad thing- everyone had backed away and moved off of the area as they all continued to watch the grave waiting to see what would happen. General Destruction was watching Cosmin Borne slowly coming up from the dirt with his eyes glowing bright green when he saw this- the amulet was now back on him as he looked at him with his bright green glowing eyes as he shouted "YES!" and he seemed overjoyed that he had managed to pull this off and was able to bring him back from the dead. Von stared in horror at him saying "Ian..." who looked as young as he did when he died as he stared at him with his bright green glowing eyes. Hercules and the others were catching up with Nathaniel and May flying over to give assistance as they had realized that something was going a lot more wrong than they thought- this was going to be a fight that they would have to take seriously now since everyone was coming to give assistance- they knew that there was no way of being able to get away with this now. Cosmin locked his eyes onto Von when he heard his real name. "You killed me... and my friends..." He growled furious confusingly watching death moth land down beside Roman glaring at him. "Tch- pathetic... look at you all a bunch of soft gushy wushy pussies-" he laughed hard amused. General destruction laughed a bit as he looked over at them all with a playful smirk thinking that they were so cute to see them all together- this was going to be amusing. Cosmin then rolled his eyes when he saw the task force 52's helicopter flying in for backup and he laughed forming prismatic stars with his hands that glowed bright green striking the helicopter's blades watching it combust and go down in flames and he said "Not this lame asshole- " Cosmin laughed causing General destruction to catch on to what was going on and quickly shot his own lasers at the helicopter's blades as it suddenly burst into flames as Cosmin yelled "Burn Adam Legacy- just like your family-" watching as the Helicopter exploded. Nathaniel rushed flying at Cosmin attacking him which set off a chain reaction causing Roman and Von to join in assisting him as Hercules, Lucious and Fue took on General destruction where they were all now fighting as units in order to take down the villains. Cosmin scoffed annoyed getting tired of the fight as he formed a larger star in his palm and struck it through von's heart making him bleed and stopped the fight as the blood ran down his outfit and his fist and he hissed cruelly as everyone stopped to watch this moment. Cosmin roughly grabbed ahold of Von's wings thrashing him around in a vicious manner with so much hatred and rage as everyone watched in shock as the fight had suddenly taken a drastic turn for the worse as General Destruction watched and said with a sadistic smirk on his face "Oh dear- it looks like he's getting beaten pretty badly... I guess we're going to have to get involved aren't we?" Roman watched horrified getting sent into a state of raw rage as the sonic boom sent Cosmin away from Von's body as Nathaniel broke down into a mental spiral clinging tightly to Von's body with may at his side as Hercules punched hard into general destruction still putting pressure on the fight with Lucious and Fue at his side and General Destruction was finally fully knocked out as Hercules and Fue pushed to give the final blows. Roman kept wailing at Cosmin engaged in a vicious fight not letting down. Kash came down into view landing down near Von's body looking at it with an icy gaze. His hair was silver, and he was wearing his old hero suit. glaring at Cosmin as death moth was standing over near Hercules and the part of the group. He spoke to Roman saying "Son... Mind if your old man joins you-" cracking a grin. Roman's eyes suddenly lit up with a slight glimmer of hope as Kash flew up and punched into Cosmin causing him to let out a cry of pain as the father and son duo attacked Cosmin together hitting and punching at him from both sides with powerful blows- they were a force to be reckoned with. "Hold him for me!" Kash barked at Roman flying back a moment inhaling deeply. "Got it!" Roman shouted back at Kash as he grabbed a hold of Cosmin kicking his foot up against his back to shoot him forward at his father as Kash flew back to prepare for his next move inhaling deeply as Roman prepared to push Cosmin off to have his father blast him with a sonic boom. Kash screeches at Cosmin sending the sonic boom directly from his mouth- the deafening sound of the screech echo through the air and the vibrations from the impact of the sonic boom sent Cosmin's ears bleeding from the direct impact- this was a hard and intense hit to receive and made him thump down in shock and pain. Kash and Roman both landed down at the same time as they kicked into Cosmin as they both tried to keep him down with Death moth holding down a leg and Roman holding the other one down- this was a team up effort and made it a lot easier to hold him down as Death moth shouted to Kash "Screech him Mister Brady!" and Kash aimed to do just that. Kash aimed and shot another ear-piercing sonic scream into Cosmin as a final effort to ensure that he wouldn't be able to escape from the group of them any longer as they all had him trapped and locked down for them - his ear bled from the force and intensity of the sonic scream - it was now just a matter of holding onto him until he was brought him down. Kash grunted grabbing onto Cosmin flying up into the sky so he could give it the old hero killer treatment but before he could do so, Kash tore the amulet off of Cosmin and threw him down hard to the ground from the height as he shouted "Go back to hell Ian Myers!" in an aggressive tone of voice as Kash flew him even higher into the sky after that which made him go even harder down to the floor when Kash dropped him. Kash finally landed back down on the ground slowly closing his wings to his back and he looked over at Cosmin's body which lay there now on the ground which looked disgusting- he then looked to everyone else who were still catching their breath and he asked them looking a bit concerned "Everybody okay-" he then rushed over to Von's body to check his condition since most of the fighting had occurred in close proximity to him. Kash slowly looked at Nathaniel and then lifted Von's body into his hands with a sad and cold gaze as he walked away from the fight that they had just been a part of carrying the body away from all of it as he spoke to Roman saying "Roman. Lets go home." He was concerned that he would fall into a mental spiral again and was concerned for his mental health and was there to be his support at this point if needed. Hercules then nodded letting Kash and Roman leave as Lucious and Fue took the Dallas family into custody as Hercules made this arrest himself and then he stepped over to Cosmin's body doing his best to rebury him as it didn't matter if he was a villain- he was still a person and needed to be buried properly at the very least. Hercules then returned to the manor now taking the time to just think about what had happened and what they would do moving forward with their hero careers. Kash arranged a funeral for Von after this and in attendance was many of the Feathered kings as well as the new hero league- all of them came to mourn his loss as they were all touched by his passing as someone who was considered part of their family/team- even Cal Grahm the news reporter that knew von came to pay his respects too which made the funeral even more touching. Kash stood there at Von's grave after everyone departed leaving him to himself for a moment in which he was alone and quiet. His head suddenly turned to the sound of the wings flapping behind him and he watched as a man landed down with short black hair like his mothers and bright orange eyes like his- the man had crow wings which reminded him of his mother Layla Brady so he questioned to him and said, "Can I help you?" Kash looked at the man with curiosity as to who he might be, and it was clear that this man caught him off guard. "You....brother." Eric's gaze sent a shiver down Kash's spine as it had an icy and cold tone to it as Eric stated that he was his brother- this was something that had taken him by surprise. He then stated that Kash had left him at the babysitters and had never came back for him as he mentioned that he had been left behind with some man- this had him speaking in that harsh and angry tone as Eric seemed very bitter and hateful towards Kash. Eric now glared coldly still as he said to Kash "You abandoned me- Why?" he asked with that harsh and icy tone as he was still bitter and angry that Kash had abandoned him when he was younger which had him now asking for answers as well as wanting to know why he would even do something like that- this was a side of him that was pretty much hidden before now and it made him seem even more intimidating and cold as he looked at Kash with that glare. "Eric i-" Kash began to say as he started to stutter but Eric just cut him off and continued to glare as he took another step forward towards him with a hard glare causing Kash to back up a bit more as he realized that this situation was not going to end well for him and that he was in for a bit of a surprise. Eric continued to glare at Kash as he took another step forward towards him pushing against him hard with that intimidating glare and then he spoke to him again and said "Why would you do such a thing like that? why would you abandon me?" this made it clear that Eric still had a lot of unaddressed anger from the past that he was holding against Kash which led him to feel betrayed and as if he had been left behind with someone who he couldn't trust completely. "Eric- I didn't have a choice- life hit me so fast and there weren't many other options at the time that had been available to me-" Kash explains himself trying to show Eric that he didn't really have a choice and there were not many other options available at the time, but Eric seemed to only be getting more and more irritated as he listened to Kash and kept staring at him angrily. "Your full of s---" Eric snapped as he didn't want to hear anymore of Kash explaining his side as he just had enough and spoke in a harsh voice as he pointed a finger in his face with that cold stare, he had been giving him since he arrived. This caught Roman off guard as he had come over to see him, but he ended up just freezing up as he witnessed the scene that was unfolding before him- he had expected nothing of this to happen and was completely surprised. "You had a kid-" Eric scoffed amused stepping towards Roman as he looked at him mockingly with that smug expression which seemed to imply that he found this situation funny. This had Roman stunned and confused as he really didn't know what was going on but when Eric said the thing about him reminding him of their father- this made his blood run cold as he suddenly started to get a bit worried for his own safety. "So, you're heroes now huh? Lame." Eric mocked with his smug attitude as he crossed his arms and continued to stare at them- this had them both confused as they didn't really understand why he was acting this way towards them when he was their uncle- he seemed so bitter and mean towards them, so it wasn't clear what his deal was though he had called them a kid which made Roman feel offended. "So~ Kash buddy- pal- Bro. You owe me... years of pain..." Eric states in that harsh and cold tone as he still has that scowl on his face and is still staring directly at Kash as he says this hinting that he still holds onto a lot of bitterness and pain about that which he believes that he rightfully deserves as he felt like he was left behind by Kash- this was just the beginning as he was now demanding that he be repaid for the pain and suffering that he had gone through and it looked like this conflict was about to get messy. "Eric... Please-" Kash spoke coldly as his wings opened up just a bit as Eric's wings opened up in response as they both were feeling the tension and aggression growing between them- this was now becoming a staring contest and they were about to get into a fight as the tension was growing. Kash glared coldly as he warned Eric to not do anything he might regret as this confrontation was becoming more intense by the second- it was clear that these two had quite the history together and it looked like it might get really messy here. Eric rushed at Kash and so a fight broke out between the two of them as they began to punch it out with each other as their wings flapped around them which made it more intense and more evenly matched than it would have been without the added wings. Roman watched as the situation went from bad to worse as he saw that Eric was not backing down and was taking the fight into the air as he flew right up into the sky taking the fight airborne- this had Roman panicking more as he saw how intense and serious this whole thing was starting to become- it seemed like this fight was about to get really intense and really serious very soon as both Eric and Kash were taking up that challenge together and were throwing hands up in the air as well. "Father!!" Roman shouted out in a tone that showed that he was worried as he saw Kash and Eric brawling in a heavy fist fight but he was just getting worried since the two of them were fighting so seriously and seemed to be going at each just hard and hard without stopping or holding back- he was now starting to get quite worried for both him and Eric's safety because their fighting was getting really intense and serious. "You left me behind! You forgot me!! DAMN IT!!" Eric continued to growl furious in Kash's face as the two of them went at it with insults flying by as they kept fighting even more intensely as the insults continued to be thrown out and they started to get even more furious in each other's faces- this was only going to get more intense as more and more insults were flying by between them- they were both taking the anger out on each other and making sure that the other one knew exactly how they felt about being abandoned by them. "I FUCKING DIDN'T-" Kash snapped pissed off as they broke out fighting with each other as they continued to get more frustrated with each other and more furious as the insults and anger grew between them- they were both pissed off and taking their anger out on each other in this moment of a fist fight which was only going to get more intense with each passing second as they got more fired up. Kash grunted as Eric kicked Kash away from him flying away from them into the clouds taking off to disappear- it looked like the fight was over as Eric flew away from them and into the clouds to disappear leaving Kash standing there as he looked towards the clouds seeing that Eric was gone- he probably was thinking this wasn't the last time he would see him and that he probably wanted to fight more later. Roman rushed over to his father after the fight had ended and the clouds cleared up a bit as he seemed to be worried about him after he had seen him fighting with his brother-Eric. "Are you okay?" He asked nervously as he waited for a reply back in a tone that showed that he was worried about his father after watching that whole ordeal. Roman continued to wait for a reply as he looked at his father with that worried tone as he looked at all the scrapes and bruises that had started to develop after that fight but he still didn't hear a response from his father which had him beginning to worry. "I need some time..." Kash stated coldly as he walked past Roman to the others- this made it clear that he wasn't planning on talking to him at least right now as he wasn't in the best mood and the way he said it sounded quite harsh and cold even though he was trying his best not to show any emotion- this made Roman feel kinda worried as he realized that there was more to this situation than he originally thought.

~The end~

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