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As she drifted off to sleep, Lyra's dreams were a chaotic mix of memories and fears. She saw herself as a child, strapped to a cold metal table as scientists loomed over her. She heard the taunts and jeers of other children, pointing and laughing at her strange eyes. But then the dream shifted to the training room, facing off against Felix.

This time, when he reached for her helmet, she couldn't stop him. He yanked it off, exposing her face to everyone. The room erupted in gasps and laughter. Fingers pointed, voices jeered, and Lyra felt herself shrinking under their scrutiny.


"Look at her eyes!"

"What kind of monster is she?"

The voices grew louder, closing in around her. Lyra tried to run, but her feet felt like lead. She reached for her helmet, desperate to hide, but it crumbled to dust in her hands.

Lyra bolted upright in her bed, a scream caught in her throat. She was drenched in sweat, her heart racing. It took her a moment to realize she was back in her room, safe from the horrors of her dream.

But as she sat there in the darkness, trying to calm her ragged breathing, Lyra couldn't shake the feeling of vulnerability that clung to her. The nightmare had brought all her fears and insecurities to the surface, reminding her why she kept her walls up.

She glanced at the clock - 2:37 AM. The thought of trying to sleep again in her room filled her with dread. Without fully realizing what she was doing, Lyra found herself getting up and leaving her room.

Her feet carried her through the quiet hallways of the base until she found herself outside Locus's door. She hesitated, her hand raised to knock. What was she doing? But the lingering fear from her nightmare pushed her forward, and she gently rapped on the door.

For a moment, there was silence. Then, Locus's deep voice came from within. "Enter."

Lyra stepped inside, looking like a timid little girl as she feared.

"Lyra," he said, surprise evident in his tone. "Is everything alright?"

She hesitated, suddenly feeling foolish. "I... I had a nightmare," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "I couldn't... I didn't want to be alone."

Locus's expression softened almost imperceptibly. He gestured to a small couch in the corner of the room. "Sit. Would you like some tea?"

Lyra nodded, grateful for the offer.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Locus asked as he handed her a steaming cup.

Lyra wrapped her hands around the warm mug, finding comfort in its heat. "It was about... about being exposed. Everyone seeing me for what I really am."

Locus sat beside her, his eyes thoughtful. "And what do you think you really are, Lyra?"

She looked down at her reflection in the tea. "A freak. An experiment gone wrong."

"Is that how you see yourself, or how you think others see you?" Locus's voice was gentle but probing.

Lyra felt tears prickling at the corners of her eyes. "Both, I guess. I've spent so long hiding, I don't know how to be anything else."

Locus was quiet for a moment before speaking. "We all have parts of ourselves we're afraid to show, Lyra. But hiding them doesn't make them go away. It just makes us feel more alone."

His words struck a chord within her. Lyra found herself opening up, and sharing her fears and insecurities. As they talked, she felt the tension in her body slowly uncoiling.

Locus vs. FelixWhere stories live. Discover now