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I teleported in my brother's apartment, the black smoke dissipating as I took off my jacket. Dropping the jacket on the table nearby I looked for him. It was 7 in evening here and Gyu should be home. But unlike other times, he wasn't in living room watching some romcom drama. Usually, my welcome would be filled with loud happy screaming and hugs but this time he was nowhere to be seen.

I looked around the kitchen, it was messy as usual. There was a game console on the kitchen platform, the game screen still on. Of course, he was more invested in his games than the world and I think that's better. The world isn't a nice place to be invested in. In the living room a new stash of books was added completing the 30 stacks line with each having 10-20 books. He is an avid reader. If he could, he would live in the books forever. 

What caught my attention was the set of dumbbells and a punching bag hanging by the ceiling in the corner of the living room that I didn't notice before. My brother is a paper doll and a princess. The only workout he does is carrying his large package of books from ground floor to his apartment. He would be damned before letting anyone touch it. 

I didn't have to rake my brain to guess who's the owner of the gym equipment. A smile curved on my lips as I walked to his bedroom and turned on the lights. Clothes scattered around on the doorstep with a black jean and my tank top. 

"Well, well, well. What a warm welcome for me!" I exclaimed loudly, clasping my hands as I took in their condition. 

The man hovering over my brother raised up in hurry and the mop of black hair was enough for me to know who shared my brother's bed. They both scurried off each other, still being under blankets. 

"You finally gave Mr. Genius here a chance! I thought Taehyun was going to die celibate since you vowed to celibacy years ago. But I guess his dick broke that vow, huh?" 

"Hyung!!" I chuckled at his flustered self and closed the door behind, leaving them to gather their selves.

Back in the living room, I looked around at the photos, medals and degrees honoring the wall. Unlike me, my brother was serious about studies and loved studying. I would say he was academically gifted. Not everyone has the talent to sit in a place and bore yourself to death and even like it. I could never. 

The medals, honors, books, pictures, they all told me my brother had a life filled with colors, not just black and red like mine. He wanted to live like a normal person, I gave it to him. He wanted to be a doctor but working with blood wasn't his forte, so he resided with studying medicine. Graduating with an honor, he was a Pharmeceutical scientist or a physician in simple words. I took pride in my brother. Just like our parents, he was kind and wanted to help people. 

His giggles rang in my ears as he came out of his room with his lover beside him. Both glowing with happiness though Taehyun's smile dimmed a bit when he saw me. He is not a wimp, but who won't be scared when your brother-in-law is an Ig'Morruthen, a monster.

"Taehyun, hello there. How's life going for you?"

"Just alright. Good to see you, hyung." I nodded, seeing the eye blinding smile on Beomgyu's face as he hung on his boyfriend's shoulder. "Get going now, love. You will be late otherwise." I watched as the two engaged in this own bubble, eyes filled with love, kissing goodbye.

Something itched in me making me look away from them. This was the normalcy I wished in my life. But I lost it long back, traded it with my brother's life. And seeing his smile, it was worth it. I am not built for love; I was built for wars. I have been more intimate with death than anything else.

After all, I had a deal. I gave a life for a life.

The door closed shut and he jumped on me. "Hyung! I missed you!!" My hands wrapped around him, pulling him in a tight hug. Only if I could keep him like this forever. 

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