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The conference room at Rajvansh Enterprises was buzzing with energy. Shivansh sat at the head of the table, his presence commanding but his mind drifting. Arjun was in the middle of presenting their latest project to a group of potential investors. The large screen displayed a sleek presentation of architectural designs, but Shivansh's thoughts were elsewhere. He nodded absently as Arjun's voice filled the room, going over every detail of their ambitious plans.

His gaze flickered to the empty seat beside him. That had always been Ruhi's place. She used to sit next to him during meetings, her keen insights and intuitive understanding a valuable asset to their business. She wasn't just his partner in life; she was his partner in everything. Her absence was a constant ache, a void that no amount of work could fill.

"Shiv?" Arjun's voice broke through his thoughts, and he turned to see his friend looking at him expectantly, the investors' eyes on him.

"Sorry," Shivansh said, forcing a smile. "What was the question?"

Arjun gave him a look, understanding and concern mingling in his eyes. "I was just asking if you'd like to add anything about the timeline for the project."

Shivansh straightened in his chair, slipping into his professional persona. "Our team is committed to delivering the project on time, with no compromises on quality. We have a solid plan in place, and I have complete confidence in our ability to meet the deadlines." His voice was calm and assured, but inside, he felt like a puppet going through the motions.

The meeting continued, but Shivansh's thoughts drifted again. He had come to the office to escape his turmoil, but it seemed there was no escaping the memories of Ruhi. They were embedded in every corner of his life, in every conversation, in every heartbeat. He wondered where she was at that moment, what she was doing, and if she was thinking of him too.


After the meeting, Arjun approached Shivansh in his office. "You're not really here, are you?" he asked, closing the door behind him.

Shivansh sighed, leaning back in his chair. "I'm trying, Arjun. I really am. But everything reminds me of her. It's like she's everywhere and nowhere at the same time."

Arjun sat down across from him, his expression serious. "You can't keep doing this to yourself, Shiv. You've exhausted every lead. Maybe... maybe it's time to let her go."

"Let her go?" Shivansh repeated, a flare of anger in his voice. "I can't just let her go, Arjun. She's my life. I need to know why she left, where she is. I can't rest until I find her."

Arjun looked at him with sympathy. "I know. But you have to take care of yourself too. This obsession is eating you alive. What if she doesn't want to be found?"

The question hung in the air, a cruel reality Shivansh had refused to consider. What if Ruhi had left him deliberately? What if she didn't want to be found? He shook his head, rejecting the thought. "No, there has to be a reason. Something must have happened. She wouldn't just leave me like that."

Arjun placed a hand on his shoulder. "Maybe you're right. But you need to give yourself a break. Go out, meet people, live a little. You can't keep drowning in your sorrow. It's not what Ruhi would want for you."

Shivansh knew Arjun meant well, but the thought of moving on felt like a betrayal. Ruhi was still out there, somewhere. He had to find her. But as he looked at his friend, he nodded reluctantly. "I'll try," he said, though he knew his heart wasn't in it.


That evening, Shivansh found himself at a bar, a place he hadn't visited in months. Arjun had insisted on taking him out, hoping a change of scenery would do him good. The dimly lit space was filled with people laughing, talking, and enjoying the night. It was a stark contrast to the emptiness he felt inside.

Arjun ordered drinks, and they found a quiet corner to sit. As they clinked their glasses together, Arjun tried to lighten the mood. "Remember the last time we were here? You and Ruhi had that drinking contest, and she won hands down."

Shivansh chuckled, a genuine smile breaking through his gloom for the first time in days. "Yeah, she could hold her liquor better than any of us. She was always full of surprises."

Arjun grinned. "She still is, I bet. Wherever she is."

Shivansh's smile faded, replaced by the familiar weight of loss. He sipped his drink, letting the alcohol numb his senses. The bar was filled with strangers, people with their own lives and problems. He wondered if any of them carried the same burden of heartache he did.

As the night wore on, Shivansh felt the alcohol loosening his tongue. "Do you think she's okay?" he asked suddenly, his voice slurred.

Arjun glanced at him, concern in his eyes. "I'm sure she is, Shiv. Ruhi is strong. She wouldn't just give up."

Shivansh nodded, but doubt gnawed at him. "I just... I don't understand why she left. We were happy. Weren't we?"

Arjun hesitated before answering. "I think you were. But you know Ruhi. She always kept her fears hidden. Maybe she was scared of something, something she didn't want to tell you."

Shivansh's eyes were glassy, his mind clouded with alcohol and emotion. "I just want her back, Arjun. I need her. She's my everything."

Arjun sighed, watching his friend with a mixture of sadness and helplessness. "I know, buddy. I know."

As the night drew to a close, Shivansh found himself standing on the street, the cool night air sobering him slightly. Arjun stood beside him, ready to take him home. Shivansh looked up at the stars, wondering if Ruhi was looking at the same sky. "I'll find you, Ruhi," he whispered to the night. "I won't stop until I do."


Hlo Sweeties
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